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21 down, Winter drifts. Is it snowy or snows, I put snowy but am not sure if I am correct. Any other opinion on this?
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Placenames in Scotland 1. It is said their police tell us to leave - 5 letters 2. Not edible porridge with heather - 8 letters Thanks
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has anyone had any medical tests on this product
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We bought a bag of seashells for our grandaughter- obviously imports as they are larger and of differing varieties. All the spiral types- various conches, winkle type, whelk type- have a clockwise...
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ermintrude35 daughter is a responsible 13 year old , and is more than capable of being left unsupervised, are there any rules regarding this, everything I've found on the web seems to be very confusing........
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how many legs do millipedes and centipedes actually have?
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Hi all, A friend and I are planning on going to New York in November for 3 days and now at the stage of trying to get a hotel. I am clueless as to the layout of the city (currently doing my research)...
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Somewhere in the phrase there is the name of a Loch "Some best-selling books lack substance and this makes them uninteresting to many people"
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I need to know the tune for new fiat bravo ad
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Is there such a thing as a bug who would eat the labels from the disinfectant bottles I store by my back door? I keep it there as it is handy to spray when needed and the labels keep going missing !!...
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mates birthday she is going to be forty anyone know this resterant it is in london,
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hi. is there such an animal as a youal or youel?
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Any idea what I can buy a work colleagues husband for his 50th birthday. I don't know either of them that well, but have been invited to his birthday party. I really don't know what he likes or what...
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I've been working at a new news channel for three months. I wasn't happy with the salary they offered me so we negotiated a salary I was reasonably happy with. 3 months on and the channel has done...
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what is the name of the classical music on the maxell tape ads? the end caption was whispered by a bloke. "maxell-breaks the sound barrier" thanks, si
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jane mark 2
Can anyone help with these please? 1) Which British driver came 3rd on his Formula 1 debut in 2007? 2) Which celebrity chef was once Head Chef at Winchesters Hotel du Vin? 3)The human eye is most...
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which two british prime ministers had the same nanny as children.thanks for any help.
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I have been watching the news when i came in tonight on various channels. Does it worry you that it just seems to show all these asian students with A grades in chemistry?
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diamond cut in the form of twopyramids joined at their bases(?r?l?i?n?)
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All answers are bird names: 1. Mountainous, possibly acute or? (6,8) 2. The dog from Burton's almost (8.7) 3. A serenader of a river crossing (8,7) 4. bird in holy orders (8) 5. A double male? (8) 6....

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