a local river found in someone's bucket 'local' does not refer to any specific locality, neither the compiler's nor the area of the church. there is a River Hole which is in an old comic song...
1. One lump or two? 2.a local river found in someone's bucket. 3 TOO CAMP (anag) 4.Make one to score in cricket 5. a high ranking member of the mafia 6.thirteenth letters in germany ** 7. twentieth...
Only one small answer driving me insane i.e. 5d; there's no fighting in fortification that's a huge structure I have B - L- Can only think of 'bile' but don.t understand why. help welcome @ any time...
tv progs old & new last 2 to solve. 1) did he live in Richmond usa 2) found in an alarm that will throb in hoodlum's loot these are the very last - promise
Q1 what is the question if the answer is ; below the left ribs Q2 MB's hour for toilet training Q3 a character from midsummer's night dream can only think Quincy but the carpenter is Quince
all answers refer to T.V. progs. old & new 1.Omega vehicles 2.the land agent from Superman's home planet 3.the bureau 4. does Mr. Cash deliver the mail? 5. five american suburban family women spice up...
would be grateful if anyone can solve these anagrams - all women's names! 1) TIDOGERMALEDAL 7,7 2) VUNTHDELFENELTIY 3,7,6 3) JORBOREYMATACERILTA 8,6 many thanks in anticipation! judypudy
1a ill disposed collie had some ringed spots of colour I have -c-l-i which are correct according to2, 3 & 4 down this is my last unsolved clue and I cannot think what it can be
know the duo but cannot solve 5d land collapsed into the sea -s-o-i- 22d journalist and would-be groom to accept plot -m-e-i-0- 50a cross-carriageway traffic diversion
aplogies for repeating this but am desperately trying to retain my sanity. Have trawled through A.B.- our kocal reference libraries-several encyclopedias without any success.So.o.o. can somebody...
first lines of British poetry -letters are clues initials are poets. TCTTKOPD - TG : HWBWEAT- AM ; TBATST - LG ; HDILT?LMCTW - EBB ; WDOFACS -AP ; BDLOBUS - WO ; OTNN - SM ; WIADMD - CR ;TDIFDTT - ST....
Can some one tell me the relationships of the Link Words please? I have, from Saturday crossword the following:- HILL, LOUNGE,SHRIMP, ROMAN and from today's Herculis:- FIGURE, LIZARD, FAIRY, BLIND. I...
30a I had eradicate, but now know 23 down is irrupt & 31d is thrip - so what is 30a now? (clue - destroy completely.) - - t -r - ate. Also 22a erratic & out of control (7) have ??y?i?e 1d good luck...
has everyone found this easy? have scrolled through most recently answered but --no mention!!! 19a. dental filling shaped to fit a tooth cavity. (-N-A-) 39d dairy cow similar to a friesian 8 43a type...
33d: head off with this cunning crowd and inch inside i have -u-l-o-i-e 10 letters also name of harry potter character played by one of the actors shown in picture e. i have the letters "...