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Faith in the Bible does not hinge on what scientists say. When their advancing knowledge comes ever closer to conforming to the Bible, that does not make them become Christians. No,they still cling to...
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A day or two back a contributor here said…. “It's [the Bible's] contents are scientifically sound on matters that human researchers discovered only at a later date.” …. but he declined to...
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Is God really to blame for such suffering? According to investigators, evidence was found in the wreckage that pointed to sabotage by a terrorist bomb. When men fight against one another to further...
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A atheist raised the following problem: “To some extent there is order, wonder and beauty in nature. But this is only one half of the picture. The other half is terrible chaos.” Then, after...
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why does he want people to have to have faith in him? why does he want to test them? he is clearly a megalomaniac to demand such utter devotion and smite people and send them to hell for eternity any...
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Check out these guys. Goodlife needs to ring into this show....
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Does anyone here care ?...
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What is the future of Christianity in Britain?
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Kromovaracun A strangely beautiful (and very short) summary of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Just thought I'd share....
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Kromovaracun //Parliamentarians in Iran have passed a bill to protect the rights of children which includes a clause that...
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It is the nature of man not to lead a solitary life but to try to settle down and have children.(mark 10:6-9) However, marriage has become less and less popular. Is it the divorce rate that scares...
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Interesting article in this mornings BBC News website :: According this survey, 25% of people interviewed for the survey, think that angels actually exist. You...
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Watched Angels & Demons on T,V. and was struck by a line in the script Actually only watched part of it so don't spoil the ending. Anyway, the old cardinal says to Tom Hanks, something along the lines...
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No question, just thought this video might amuse :) Q."The bible says on the first day, god said "let there be light" - but he did not create the stars until day 4; so where did the light come from?...
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Is that a fair comment ? Feel free to disagree or agree....
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Those little fiends 'moved the goalposts'. What did they do? Learn to zig-zag and 'hard-target'? Buy bullet proof vests? Master the art of cover from fire...
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youngmafbog As this particular case has not been in court she is of course innocent at present. However, looking more generally...
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do you think all the people ( religions and various races and creeds ) are rising up against islamization of the world ? i would like to hear some views . thanks...
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In a previous thread it was said “it was cowardly & despicable” because the suggestion was made to ask a JW when they call why they don’t accept blood. Well, this question can be answered but do...
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I have just heard this very brave young girl being interviewed on the Today Program. What a breath of fresh air. Compare what some of the stupid men interviewed back in Pakistan were saying, with this...

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