When a couple get divorced do they each get half of the value of the house even if one of them is earning at least twice the amount of money as the other?
A smart pair of jeans, smart black shoes, an open necked dress shirt and a suit jacket. Is this old mans attire or suitable for most casual occassions?
I have been asked by a friend who has his own one-man electrical business if I will become a partner/director, in name only, so that he can become a limited company. I would only provide the title of...
CSI seems to be on everynight on one channel or another but the episodes are out of synch! At the end of one episode this week where the lady who made the minitures had trapped Sarah [the one with the...
could you tell some one that there house is a mess the kids are dirty ....if you knew some one was living like this would you tell them ..........i dont mean report them ...what would you say to make...
Following on from "pencil Cleavage test" last week, its friday fun day.............. Just to prove how straight I can sit, Ive got my 30cm ruler and 2 pens poking out the back of me undercrackers and...
just realised how to svoid being stopped by those trying to sell you stuff in the street, i was just walking near euston station i was approached by someone trying to sell me 'freebies' i was smoking...
I wonder if anybody else gets this, if I press on my eyelids or rub my eye I can see my eyeball. How can this be if I should be seeing inside of my eyelid??
Do you work in an office? Do you have an office tart ? Or better still do you have a selection of them? You know what i mean all sugar and spice and very ,very ,nice. Do you evr feel like youve had...
As you may be aware I am taking a teaching post this September and I have been sent the protocols for such a post. I have never really been a suit person and was thinking of dressing myself in a good...
I have just got into Dr Who after many years....why oh why would they go and put this talentless a@re showing bint on DR WHO !!! No-one wants to she you "spinning around" the tardis in your gold hot...