who would u marry ? to me they are what men should be ( real men ) they are not afraid to say what they mean ,they are well built etc etc , anyway who would u marry ?( plus gordon is a bit sexy - i...
why do old people lie about their age? As if ppl wont find out how old they are eventually? Whether its through their gruff voice, or bad haircut or old moustache or their routine style of wearing...
im fed up of my mates wanting to go to the same pubs/clubs each weekend in our town with no variety , i need to make some more friend ( have joined a club) however does anyone know a free website...
This bloke at work, likes to boast about his good looks and how no one can tell his age coz he doesn't look it at all. He lets us all guess during lunch break but so far, no one's been right. My guess...
ive been seeing this guy for 12 months and fell hook line and sinker for him. now he says he wants space cos he doesnt know what he wants so i have nt been contacting him but he keeps caling and...
Hi all, was just wondering if anyone has been prescribed Nifedipine for raynauds phenomenom? I have been told I can take it and my attacks are getting alot worse, I cant even grate a bit of cheese now...
Shall i take my fiance's surname? It's Pratt. Or shall I keep my own which is very nice indeed. I like the idea of changing my name when I get married but really not sure if I can go the rest of my...
i've had this put to me before and it is a bit of a nightmare for me but someone has said what will you do if when you have kidsthey want to be a religiest? and i dont exactly know how to answer that...
The swelling has subsided a little now, but could we use a slightly different approach next time, just to be on the safe side and save on plastic. xxx.
I think everyone should log of now and hop into bed. It would be a good way to start a routine of going to bed on time and waking up early the next day... So who's going to bed?
I drink Every night of the week , I also have a Very hot curry EVERY night . Although this is great , I must ask , am i an alcoholic ? I admit i need my curry each night ,but can go a night without...