I'm stuck on a quiz question, my brain cell hasn't been fully charged yet today, so any help would be welcome! Which London Underground station contains 6 consecutive consonants in it name. Many...
Why are my Victoria sponges such failures? I buy ones that have risen beautifully at Church sales. Mine are flatter than frisbes. I tried making one today with all butter, three very fresh, straight...
I've worked out most of the flower quiz answers, but would greatly appreciate some help with the following. Sugary Bill for example would be Sweet William. Girl with a smouldering look Dapper cat...
I am so stuck on 16a ' A person knowledgeable about the law. ' 6 letters. The letters I have are ? e ? i ? ?, Senior is a possibility. 6d has totally flummoxed me. The clue is ' eg I, O or U.' 7...
Can anyone please help on my very last one. I tried to re-engage the brain this morning, but have failed. The one I'm horribly stuck on is 4 E on the L B Many thanks
I've been staring at these for so long, my brain is now dead so any help would be greatly appreciated in solving the following. Many Thanks. 8 N in an O 5 L in a L 12 D of C..can only thik it's 12...
I have a mix of 8 good sized goldfish, shubunkins and orfes in the pond and a month ago, I bought 8 more small ones. I haven't seen them since. One neighbour has said they'll have gone to the bottom...
I have just watched a TV programme where the chef made a pasta sauce using beautifilly cubed vegetables. Having no time myself to stand and cut such perfectly cubed vegetables, does anyone know if...
Thank you to Breezy for your very helpful advice and useful suggestions, and to Elly D, Smudge and aka estie for theirs. I have never worn trainers, but will be buying some today, and will also pop...
For the past 7 months I have had an evil pain in my foot, which is worse when I get up n the morning, and also when I have rested it, and stand again. Walking any distance is particularly painful, as...
With a birthday coming up shortly I am wondering whether to put the Almanac, as part of the prize offered for the Telgraph GK Crossword, on my wish list. Has anyone out there got one, can they...
I am going to Prague on Tuesday as a result of a surpris Xmas treat ftom the children. I have absolutely no idea how cold or how snowy it might be, and would greatly appreciate any advice on what...
My husband has invited some work colleagues for dinner. I am fine with starters and main course, but I am hopeless when it comes to puddings! I would be most grateful if anyone can suggest a recipe...
I am so horribly stuck. I need the name of the musical and a song from the show. MUSICAL ONE - - e- - / - - e - - / - - e - - / Song from this show - a - a - - / i...
Still hopelessly stuck on very last answer. The answer has to be a name of a flower. The clue is 'It is full up in here.' Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
The answer to each the following refers to a flower. I would be grateful for any help to complete the quiz. The first prize is the magnificent sum ?3. Hey! Times are hard! 1. It is full up...
Thank you to those who helped me on the previous questions, but I missed one which was: 27= B in the NT I have managed to work outr the other 62 questions, thankfully!