there's a website that gives the answer to express crosswords, mail on sunday crossword, magazine competitions, and lots more it was realy handy to check my answers, i had it listed on my...
I moved to Lincolnshire 4 years ago and have noticed a lot of car stickers saying "Proud to be a yellow belly " What is a Yellow belly ? And how does it refer to a Lincolnshire person.
I'm stuck on a quiz question, my brain cell hasn't been fully charged yet today, so any help would be welcome! Which London Underground station contains 6 consecutive consonants in it name. Many...
Why are my Victoria sponges such failures? I buy ones that have risen beautifully at Church sales. Mine are flatter than frisbes. I tried making one today with all butter, three very fresh, straight...
thank u all for your help 20 across is it draft????????/ piece of work for barrister 22 across 4 letters chess piece with its top in shape of a battlement
43A - A port in the south west netherlands, in south holland province, notable for its gin distilleries (8) ? C ? I ? D A M 5D - A fine, slightly stiff cotton fabric sometimes used for dresses (8) O ?...
Cannot solve 10d Method of recovering money owed in a court case by ordering a third party who owes money to the defendant to pay it directly to the plaintiff (9). I have -A-N-S-E-. Also 47a Apparatus...
I've worked out most of the flower quiz answers, but would greatly appreciate some help with the following. Sugary Bill for example would be Sweet William. Girl with a smouldering look Dapper cat...
I am so stuck on 16a ' A person knowledgeable about the law. ' 6 letters. The letters I have are ? e ? i ? ?, Senior is a possibility. 6d has totally flummoxed me. The clue is ' eg I, O or U.' 7...
For the past 7 months I have had an evil pain in my foot, which is worse when I get up n the morning, and also when I have rested it, and stand again. Walking any distance is particularly painful, as...