25ac Left snake on top of Cleopatra's bosom (5) Is it CLASP? 19dn Sort of rock they say advanced a psalm tune (8) I have R?ES?ONE (the S coming from CLASP) 6ac Coquette is fine up front, fun for some...
3d. Small party in furore:"Spectator" (7) R?S?E?T - looks like the answer is Respect, but can't see how it fits with first part of the clue 13a. Disposal business you wouldn't want to be high up in!...
Raucous and late night last night seems to have affected my crossword-solving powers, hope u can help with these last few clues, please (mostly top right-hand corner): 4a put out, sounded off about...
Are these the shaded clues for to-day? Jack, Brown, Bird, blue? Not sure what goes with Bird and Jack from Saturday's crossword (dollar and amber) Many thanks.
Thanks for plough answer which now means 1d begins with P Rex lodged in terrible rooms [8] P-R---R- Is an anagram involved...? poor brain can't do! So thankyou again
8 down, clue: Avoid possibility of loose tile and settle down domestically (4,2,3,4). I have: ?A?G UP ?N? S?A?
I am not 100% certain about the G. HANG UP AND STAY? Surely not. Help please.