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on sunday I have my children with me , they will be here from the firday until the monday morning when they go to school. My x and I do not in any way get along , as Im sure most regs know from my...
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Will they ever get a replacement for George?
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To what extent do you think Susie's nominations for Grace and Nikki were effected by her time in the "outside" world, compared to her time in the house alone. When BB told her to base her decision...
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Is there anyway we can persuade the "powers that be" to have a Double Eviction this week! I think they both should go!
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my son is 3 years and 4 months old and still wants a dummy even when not tired, when he isn't thinking about it he is fine, but as soon as he realizes then he asks for it. I don't want him to have...
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I never started smoking until I was 31 , to cut a long story short as to the reason why , x hubby ,knife at throat , took my 2 babies out of the house , suffered brojen cheekbone and 2 broken ribs...
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What is your favourite name that you call someone special? Do they like it? And what do they call You?
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nodded off in the bath and dreamt about this place :op sad i know do any of you have ab dreams? :) x x x x x
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if we had our eyes on the side of our head would it be any advantage
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What type of knife is the one that he carries with him(not the one he threatens his wife with)? The one that pushes the knife up through the top so the sides are horizontal and then he sides fold...
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...but all I want to know is why does the sound go off on the Live show?
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Why isn't there a Big Brother section on here, like there is for the world cup? Every other question on here is about Big Brother!!
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Does anyone else think these are excellent tasting and great value for money. I don't normally like frozen chips but I really like these. Has anyone else found any economy foods that are good and...
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Is it just me who finds it offensive to receive wedding gift lists when you get a wedding invite? Shouldn't giving a present be at your own discretion?
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i hope its Nikki
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I would ask the admins if it is possible for a sticky bb7 thread , We all watch it and comment on it daily . what yall think ?
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My bf and I have been invited to a muslin/bangladeshi wedding in July. Does anyone know the dress code for both him and me, and also an idea of a present we could buy for them? Many thanks. Paws x
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I think I'd be Lea. I'm a middle-aged mum (older than Lea) but struggling to 'age' gracefully. Not had the enhancements - mine are a bit of a size without any help - I wear a fair bit of makeup...
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Can somebody tell me the titles of the two songs Lucy Benajamin sang last night (3/6/06) and the original artists that recorded them. Thanks!!
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What a nasty, vindictive, self centered person she is. She is so bossy, I really hope she is up for nomination this week and gets even more boos than Sezer......good riddance, she is a nasty peice of...

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