An excellent numerical with another amazing construction. The trickiest part was to find the first small batch of non-zero values. Thereafter I found it reasonably straightforward. No calculator... ...
A very clever puzzle with an amusing endgame. An easy start but the difficulty soon was stepped up. Some nice pieces of logic saved much unnecessary computation. Thanks, Nipper. I enjoyed the challenge.
An unusual, but not difficult numerical. Once I'd broken through, the chessboard restriction made the solution easily accessible with pen and paper, which is exactly how a numerical should be - thanks...
I found this a very clever construction, and the message brought a smile. With so few variables, it didn't occupy me for too long, but it's nice to have a straightforward numerical for once. Thanks,...
Taken me a good few hours, but with instructions still to stay at home and a howling gale outside, not a bad way to pass the time. No need for spreadsheets, and not too much need for calculators...
Am I the first? I’m simply astounded by the result. Number theory is just an amazing thing to delve - thanks Elap. And a decent pen/paper/calculator one, too! Although my final checking was reliant...
I've only just started to look at this. It immediately occurs to me that those fourth powers are also square numbers so surely they will satisfy both properties. But this isn't allowed according to...
I came to have a look to see what others thought of this one, but it looks like I'm the first - which must also be a first. The grid fill for Grid A was a bit of a slog, but I thought there was a nice...
Hmm... I have the values of all but five variables but now find one of them has to be 100. Does anyone know if there are any misprints as all the other values 'hang together'. Nothing on The Listener...
I thought I was doing so well when I had A-Z identified using a nice logical process, and working carefully enough that I didn't have to backtrack at any point. It then took me just as long to fill in...
Quite an appropriate puzzle given the weather we have been having this week ! Relieved that it didn't take too long to crack as we have the pleasure of another Schadenfreude puzzle to occupy us...
Great fun all the way through. Required only elementary number-crunching so numerophobes should not be put off. And a very neat and satisfyingly unambiguous ending, so thanks all round to IOA for a...