4a Hindu deity depicyted with an elephants head?????h?
13a Meat pastry originally from Forfar ?????e
16a Russiian city on the Dnieper river ?????n
I have bought an ice cream maker and would appreciate some advice. The first one I made contained icing sugar but my wife said it was too sweet was the icing sugar neccesary to get the consistency ?.
I have recently installed c.c.t.v in my house with the cameras only pointed at scenes within my borders,a friend told me I would have to put up a notice stating that .c.c.tv surveilance was being...
How does one work out the consumption of electrical goods? for example 8 channel DVR recorder 4 dvr cameras What would be the hourly consumption ? Is it rue that if you have DVD recorder you should...
20a Name by which the Norse Gaels of the middle ages called themselves ?s?m?n
22a Land locked african country formerly Nyasaland M????
23d Claude ??v? S?r?u?s French antropologist
18a Digital sterio for t.v. ????m
20a In the future ????e???w?r?
24a Makes preference ????
25a Middle Eastern food???t? B?e??
13d Lack of simultaneity ?s???????y
If the scots vote for independence what happens to the scottish members in Westminster, do they give up their seats in London and take up seats in Endiburgh ? hat will be the make up of the seats at...
8a First name of the astronomer Hubble Edwin ? 20a Cannaanite village ,home to a witch ??d?r 28a Croatian city on the Adriatic Sea S?l?? 40a ?s?a? the Grouch Muppet character in sesame street 30d...
15a Existential philosopher wrote Being and Nothingness ?a?t?e 18a Coastal fish with a prominent eye spot also known as St Pierre or Peter's fish ???n ?o?? 23a Large council area in the south west of...