I just want to tell you before doing it to prevent theories like I knew she was a fake etc haha, I've never ever used Bobs202 which I find strange as it was attached to my account??? So I've emailed...
Watching the news ( didn't see the earlier bulletin as I was out) for his so called supporters chanting "Get her Out" about the Somalian Congress lady I always said he's not afraid to say it as it is...
How do I check in online with a Ryan air flight when it's booked through On the Beach, Ryan air doesn't recognise my reference number
Thanks in advance...
I've got two ( that I know of,mmm,maybe three)
Birds,absolutely terrified of them
Hedgehogs ,I'm rooted to the spot
And can't sit with my back to an entrance/exit...
I'm wondering how this will work,will everyone over 75 have to have their incomes scrutinised? I apologise for not adding a link but saw this on the ribbon of news that runs along the bottom of news...
I also love Aldi's Number 3 body moisturiser ,it smells just like the very expensive Jo Malones pomegranate noir ,you can get the candles and the shower wash too but I can't find the moisturiser...
Tonight out with friends for a drink in our local village,really nice, I like 80s music ( D J) but when the 20 something starts dancing to Tiffany's I think we're alone now and is waving her dress can...
I followed some instructions and it came up as my av being 'live' as I had no idea what that would be I followed the EDs post and it took me to Wordpress? I've no idea how to follow that so any help...
It's been a long time,in fact it's been almost 8 years since I was on AB, I've given the new ED my word that any controversy I'm caught up in I'll step away from, Life's been pretty good all told,...