12a A small brown songbird noted for it's singing?a?k
4d A broadly humorous play ?a?c?
36a Feline mammal with mottled fur ,tufted tears and a short tail Linx ?
26d An enzyme present in saliva that begins the process of digestion A?y???e 24d Chestnut ? 33a Argon ? 35a An ancient city on the North coast of Africa north of Carthage U?i?? 23d In cooking ,a...
21A A musical note represented by a hollow oval and no note stem ?e?i?r?v? 29a ??r???i?? Terrier a very small breed dog 36a Estate agent ? 30d The most powerful, rich,gifted or educated members of a...
10a Established standards of behaviour shared by members of a social group N?r?s Norms ? 11a Small slender fish ,widely used as bait ??n?o?s 15a A dung beetle which makes a droning sound in flight D?r...