hi my boyfriend has been arrested with GBH with intent on the 13th feb 09, he has to go to the police station tomorrow to see whether or not he has been charged. my boyfriend was driving back from...
When I was 17 I was found with a class c drug and was given a caution and repremand for 5 years which ends in 2010. A surprise holiday was then booked for me to go to las vegas in July but I have 2...
Hello I'm looking to do the Inca trail in August 2010. I have done NO research into this yet but I've got some basic questions to get out the way first so any help would be appreciated: 1) I hear this...
...then shoved him so that he went sprawling onto the ground, and said officer then died of a heart attack, what would the assailant expect to be charged with and what sentence could he expect?
When I joined the cops I had my fingerprints and DNA taken for obvious reasons. Now I'm back on civvy street and I'm a little concerned about the number of employers who ask the question, 'Have you...
A young man whose consensual sex partner couldn't remember the tryst, and claimed rape because she was drunk, has been cleared. http://www.itv.com/News/Articles/Chef-cleared-...
my 21 year old son has been charged with the above after a night out with friends -he was hit by another lad who has also been charged but i am not sure what with - my son is adamant that he does not...
I would like to know what process I need to go through to obtain a greencard from the UK? I have a british passport. I am a talented soccer player and want to play in USA. Greencard has just been my...
My boyfriend's rented accomodation comes up for renewal in a couple of months and I'm considering asking him to move in with me. I have a mortgaged house that I have had for about 2.5 years. There may...
My partner was charged with Section 4 for fighting in the street on saturday night. There were about 15 people fighting and he only got involved because he was trying to stop his friend getting beaten...
Please don't judge me, I am NOT a criminal, I just committed a crime of printing off and using vouchers in a fraudulent manner in order to provide for my child for things I could not afford. I regret...
Hi I know this question has been asked a million times before but.........My b/f has a conviction for robbery and was sentenced to five years about 15 years ago. We are hoping to go to the US and he...
Hi I know this question has been asked a million times before but.........My b/f has a conviction for robbery and was sentenced to five years about 15 years ago. We are hoping to go to the US and he...
Hi I have just been given a 80 hour community service order and a 12 month supervision order because I smacked my out of control 14 year old daughter with a slipper. Apparently it is classed as a...
My heating broke on Saturday night. I have 2 children (aged 3 year and the other 10 months) I phoned my landlord last week to tell him the airing cupboard was making a noise, he came out and bled the...
Hello - I was charged with GBH in May 2008 and recieved a 12month sentence suspended for 12 months and 250hrs community service. I know my conviction will be spent in 10 years - however I intend to...
Approximately 8 years ago i was convicted of having a utensil used for smoking cannabis. I had no pot whatsoever and have had no convictions since. Will this affect me getting a work visa for the U.S?