have you got a hobby? i collect miniature cereal packets and have accumulated quite a collection of around 10, i get espcially thrilled when i get one that has an expiry date which is beyond the...
hi, can you remove the section that has just been installed as i feel this section would be better in another category, the category that the section is in presently annoys me and i feel the site...
this place is just like shopping in tescos, round and round unable to find the bare essentials because of the plethora of nonsense that no one is interested in bar freaky people and you end up coming...
there is this girl i like who is the sister of my postman's cousins next door neighbour, she phoned me and asked if i would like to go to the place that she used to go with her ex bf who is the nephew...
changed my batteries earlier when i got a message saying i had to replace them within 10 mins, what would happen had i not changed them within 10 mins?