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What does the Three Headed Rabbit symbol stand for? Apparrently it appears in all the major religions of the world but no-one knows what it means. Any ideas anyone? 
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which r the best to keep tiger oscars or piranhas and how long should i leave the water in a newly set up tank before getting them. and do i need live plants or will plastic ones do
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A few years ago, I remember some kind of "chain email" being sent, about buying petrol from supermarkets rather than the bigger companies, in a bid to reduce petrol costs.  Does anyone know if...
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My children are 1 and 3 years old. Both girls. We do not play favorites or discipline one child different from the other. They both get in to their equal share of trouble and are faced with known...
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What are the best answers people have heard to the question "What 3 words would your colleagues use to describe you?"
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hi I bought a JVC GRFXM40 camcorder yesterday and today the second time I go to try it out the cassette indicator light is flashing. I have changed the tape and the problem is still there- does anyone...
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Hi, my friend has just got a labrador pup (absolutely adorable i might add!!) and has only ever owned a goldfish previous to this.  I visted the other day to find that he has been...
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Does anyone else  like to keep away the mundanities of life with a little anarchy? I enjoy paying for 3 or 4 GROCERY items at the cigarette counter of Sainsbury's (woah - I don't even...
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Dom Tuk
Never done it but seen a workman do it a few years ago and charge ridiculous rates. So i rip the carpet off. clean the area. then what. What is the paper underlay called (like baking paper)?. Does the...
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I left school 6 years ago, and have since done fairly well for myself. However, aside from reading and writing I left school feeling that I left absolutely nothing, and I'd be hard pressed now to name...
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what are your personal mottos for life?
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I know crisps are bad for you but I love them!!  Which ones are "best" to eat eg, lower in calories/fat etc
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Annie Oakley
Does anyone know where I can get hold of some Estee Lauder Future Perfect Moisturing Lotion in the long blue pump action tube?  It has been superseded by some in a small jar but I prefer the old...
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I remember a while ago someone/some people on here was about to start taking sea kelp to help make their hair grow, I was just wondering if it's working at all? I bought some the other day and...
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Hello I dont have very much money but I would like to get a nice pair of sunglasses, not ray bands just a nice black pair of safe Glasses which will protect my eyes for the summer, any one know of any...
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Can anyone help? Im looking for a job in Leeds with dogs. Preferably around the Headingley area. I work in a dog creche at the min but im moving to Leeds soon+i really need a job with dogs!!! Please...
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Does anybody no know to get rid of hair algae in aquariums without getting rid off the plants its growing on. Have tried anti hair algae but it does not work. have heard about bleaching plants but...

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