we have had our offer accepted on our 1st house 8.5 weeks ago, surveys all carried out, bbank accounts checked to show deposit money in our account, enviro serch done, waiting for coal mining...
We are going to Laguna Mar Hotel in Margarita on Monday and cannot find what time the bars shut on the internet. i rang first choice last week and took 20mins to actually talk to someone, and an 0845...
i need to get a monroe dress in the next week or so for a party in july, but on holiday in just over a week. i am a size 20/22 but dont want to pay a fortune,... any ideas? not bothered if its cheap n...
this may be hard to describe, and petty. but i live on an estate, as as we come off the main road one of the first houses on the right have 2 cars parked on the road in the daytime. It seams like...
I am having a party for 60-80 people in a few week, I have been to iceland this morning and brought a few things (2x ?5 party packs, 100 sausage rolls, 100 cocktail sausages, cheese cake, etc) family...
Does anyone know where i can buy Cadburys, well any brand white chocolate fingers! I only need 1 box or so for a birthday cake... long story! haha Cheers
I am having a hero's and villians theme fancy dress party in the near future, and i am having an outfit made... however, I DONT KNOW WHAT TO BE! i have had the idea of wonderwoman and catwomen etc....