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I read somewhere that these can be a surprisingly efficient way to heat ones home. When the letters are issued informing pensioners that the fuel allowance payments they depended on are to be... ...
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What things have you never done that seems that everone else (of your generation) has? For me (aged 58) Ive never seen Star Wars. Never sung at a Karaoke. Never been camping.
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A friend has recommended it saying it will stop my dog from scratching himself all the time but I think he'll just lick it off again.  I've tried to find out if it's OK for a dog with Pancreatitis... ...
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...the one currently on display here on AB? No mods about?
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ToraToraTora I'm in two minds, on the one hand it's harsh to boot someone out for no reason other than wanting the property back. On the other I can understand... ...
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ToraToraTora Turn up with the wrong coloured barnett you are going home sweetie! Ain't rocket is it? ...
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ToraToraTora every one knows a lie detector cannot be relied on which is why they don't use them in... ...
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Its a repeating patern Was arrestest tuesday night for assaualting two of my neighbours who have each been friedsbfor over 20 0 yrs. obiodsly i was drunk but got no memory. j. lAst people on on earth... ...
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I see the BBC is having to make more cuts. How about shutting down Radios 1, 2 and 3? There are so many commercial stations doing it as well or better.   I used to listen to Radio 2, but have... ...
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Whenever I make the above I always put sliced beetroot on them. My mum did too which is probably why I do. My cousin had never heard of putting beetroot on them, only cucumber. Does anyone else... ...
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The cost of winter fuel payments is £3bn a year. The profits of the big four gas supply giants in 2023 was £65bn. Just wondering if any clever economists out there can see any possible solutions to... ...
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Just thought you'd like to know, I am going on the wagon for a month starting now. I invite you to join me and maybe kickstart your own campaign. I've had too many boozy sessions of late and I've... ...
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I seem to get varying opinions on my vocals depending on the song. How is my singing here? Would appreciate some feedback. Thanks :) ...
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Woop woop.  It's definitely softened the blow regards flying home tomorrow. 
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...even I have heard of Oasis. If you could would you go to see them,?
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I'm going to this restaurant and a night out Saturday. (Sorry to ask) ...
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I love watching Masterchef, all versions.  Generally the celebrity version is inferior but watchable - until now.  There has been a female called Charlotte on the current show.  I just cannot... ...
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david small
Anyone had this procedure? Cost, time, competency, any information would be appreciated.
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I can't decide based in weather tonight so not sure which one?   ...
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Hi everyone.  Does anyone know what rights you have as a tenant for over 30 years on an AST in regard to eviction or rent increases. Thanks.

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