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anotheoldgit /// The Government pays...
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From Hattie Pieman
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Would any other Country allow the Transportation come to a stand still like the UK? It's a dam disgrace, & the PM with his more Fences, Dogs, what a load of bull ***....
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BBC website sometimes flashes breaking news at you. No one else has posted about this. Not a lot to debate, this is a JFYI. There is a car auction...
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Just had a letter from my employer, to say my pay will go up by 1%, as from 1st August ! Wow ! We are all in this together apparently !...
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mikey4444 I am confused here. Fellows was charged with perverting the course of justice. But the Jury in his case has now found him to be not guilty. So...
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Quote: There are some people who always seem angry and continuously look for conflict. Walk away; the battle they fight isn't with you, it is with themselves. Think this quote could apply to quite a...
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anyone feels sorry for these rats needs their heads examined.
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Mr Cameron, don't wait until 2017 to give us a Referendum, have one now, Ask the British People how they would vote on, Illegal immigrants, or you can even call them asylum seekers if that sounds...
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Police Commissioner for Surrey suggests deploying The Gurkah Regiment, to stop the illegals getting through to the UK. Figures show 150 a night are making it here, Any one on here think that , Cameron...
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Prince George has been given a Wendy House /// Cottage on Wheels, worth £18,000, for his Birthday, he was probably only hoping for a train set. poor little lad.,does'nt know what he is missing....
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Baroness Wilcox, [whoever she is ] claims £5,700 per month walking the ,200 yds to work [House Of Lords]. Why do we need these so called LORDS ? Did I read somewhere that their daily allowance has...
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mushroom25 incursion of 2000 monday. incursion of 1000 and one death last night. tonight? tomorrow night? next week? on the basis that water can't be shovelled with a...
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What do you think?
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anotheoldgit Very fine words Mr...
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During his time in office was it a case of, 'Do as I say, not as I do.'?...
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Boris Johnson has signed a £500,000 contract, to write a Biography on Shakespeare. So he is Mayor of London, A full time MP,if there is such a position? , writing a Biography , and also writes a...
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She does have some good points but needs to work on her oratorical skills a little: "It's the same with a lot of these silly traditions. Quite often, we challenge them because we're oblivious to them"...
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Six out of 11 guilty, is not perfect, but I feel sure there will be many more....

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