With the relentless progress of ISIS across many countries, and getting ever closer to Europe, what do you think the future holds for us in the UK ?
Capitulation ?...
London tube strike, and Great Western, planned for the 8th july,
On the very day Osborne and Smith will be announcing their new Budget.
How many more will join.?...
Looks like Dave is going to be using the 'Risky' ploy.
Just heard on the One O'clock news, that Teresa May is sending some "Security Personnel" to help protect British tourists in Tunisia. But I can't find a link to that on the BBC. Does anyone know if...
We hear such excusably terms as "radical Muslims", "militant Muslims", "ISIS" and even excuses such as "Christianity is just as bad" even though they have to go back to the middle ages for their...
How the heck can the new Greek Government get a referendum up and running in just three weeks, when it will take a new Tory government in the UK, Two years ?, eh....
Anybody who listed to "Any Questions" last night on Radio Four, will have heard Farage frantically deny that he is a politician ! Not just a not very good, failed politician, but not a politician at...
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/11700922/Fight-against-illegal-immigration-suffers-new-blow.html /// “The majority of claims are only made on discovery. “Sixty per cent of all...
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/11702829/Greece-to-hold-referendum-on-bailout-deal-with-Europe.html Although the EU are saying there's no deal on the table. Tsipras seems to have run out...
The PM said today ,terrorist attacks in France, Tunisia and Kuwait it can happen anywhere . Yes Cameron it can! . When will it be the UK , not IF but when, we need Boots on the ground in the UK now,...
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/david-cameron/11700336/EU-Summit-David-Cameron-uses-EU-opt-out-to-refuse-migrant-quotas.html Well done David for having the backbone to stand up to these...
He wasn't it was the people who followed him who were dangerous. When can the human race start thinking for them selves and thinking of others as equal. Hitler was not dangerous
There was a good response to an earlier thread "Which Benefits Would You Cut"? Perhaps before we make any cuts at home we should first consider making cuts to our foreign aid?...
We have all seen the news regards the Port of Calais, is it fair on the HGV drivers that are trying to do their jobs and getting involved, with the Duty of the French Port Authorities? why should...
The Daily Mail has asked. I'm very glad I'm not a decision maker as I wouldn't have a clue where to start. I do think that state pensions should be taken out of the equation altogether, though....
Isis crucifies two boy's for not fasting.
this situation is getting out of hand, surely enough is enough.. we do not want these migrants to enter the uk, let alone europe. i wonder how bad it has to get, as to make the authorties crack down,...