I feel a lawsuit aproacheth.... The Tories have been in power for over 5 years, but according to this, the NHS is in serious difficulties. To quote from the BBC report ::: Regulators said...
Mentioned indirectly on another thread :::: " His resignation speech in 1990 is widely seen as a key factor in Baroness Thatcher's downfall as prime...
Excellent CPG Grey video
" Why the UK Election Result is the Worst in History "
Worth a few minutes of your time, and your comments would be appreciated....
I have voted for Labour and Conservative so have no real political allegiance.
But I do not believe it! But I wonder will it be with a carrot or a stick?
I am thinking stick!...
There is more joy in Tory HQ over one lost sinner who repents.....
Took till 82 but finally he saw sense, welcome on board!...
We have seen the main contenders all grandstanding this week in Manchester....who is going to replace dave in a couple of years time ?
My money is still on Boris !...
Well Russian ones.
This is actually a very worrying escalation if true.... Cynical, with a capital C ! Some quotes from this load of smug charmers !!! "Many of those hit by a cut to the winter fuel allowance might "not be...