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Surrounded by a protective barrier is the clue and it is only supposed to be 6 letters long but there are 8 spaces so I am very confused! I am 100% sure I'm reading the correct clue and the letters...
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Hillier Guest crossword 5,5 - - N - R - - c - -...
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recent itv1 documentary (3,5) satelhk?
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19ac character Chronicles Narnia A?L?N 30ac aid spiritual investigations O?I?A 32ac distinctive quality related to 21ac (MEDOC),for example...
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How many scheduled direct flights does British Airways operate to Hong Kong every week?
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Which strange items did these mps claim for? Douglas Carswell - Graham Allen - Danny Alexander - Ben Chapman - bin liners Douglas Hogg - refuse bags Vera Baird - wet wipes Mark Francois - Pringles and...
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What is a powerful breed of a Spitz-type dog, with a thick coat?
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I have the letters ESISKKN which are supposed to be an anagram of a woodcare paint range. Should be easy and I can't see that I've got any letters wrong BUT just can't make a word. Any ideas?
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The Cocos nucifer, the coconut, gets its name from its resemblance to which animal? 6 letters
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I'm stuck on J. the blue and white striped dome. Any idea where in the world it is?
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Which of these cities is not visited in The International? Bristol Berlin Milan
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Who wrote 87,000, 54,000 and 20,000 lines? Shakespeare, John Milton or William Wordsworth
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I only have 'Kerrygold' and 'butter' as hidden words for the Pure Moments competition. Have I missed some or are they still not out yet?

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