There isn't a category for Legal issues so I'll try here... I got a Fixed Penalty Notice last week for parking within 15mtrs of a junction. I have parked in this road for over 18 months now...
I had driving lessons last year but never took my test. So I know how to drive, but I'm really crap at it. I'm thinking of buying a car to practice in. What's the deal with learning to drive in your...
Hello fellow question answerers and solution providers, this question, or set of questions, arrives at your screen in two parts. Part A; Has Health and Safety in this country gone totally looney...
Could some one please explain the benefits to both Orange and Odeon in there O Wednesday promotion? You txt Film to 241 and you get a free odeon cinema ticket...... They have terminals at the...
And by that, I mean all those little rules and regs that we maybe should know, but don't. How much coinage does a shop have to accept legally? What IS the law re-waiting time on double yellows?...