I have hp deskjet 2810e and just replaced the ink cartidges but a red light is on at the screen which has 3coloured dots and nothing is happening when I go to print. Have tried bu switching off... ...
When I switch the printer on iy whirrs as if getting ready to print and then the paper stuck light comes on and nothing happens. No paper stuck as far as I can see Please advise as to what I... ...
I have lost my hotmail account on my Ipad and it flags up to go to settings or cancel as cannot put my password in. How do I get this account back Thanks
I have been reminded to update my payment for both .com and .co.uk Does that mean I have an account with each . Do I just cancel the .com account as when I go into the steps they show what I have...
I am reading on screen a document or newspaper and after a little while the arrow disappears and no amount of pressing the mouse control brings it back so I have to switch off the computer and start...
have a combrite keyboard CB-KM 200w
No battery and is doing what it wants. Running amok or not at all. Taken me forever to write this.
Please help otr just buy a new one
Having filled the form and submitted it in May I have not heard a word as to whether it is there or not. Have sent a further 2 letters and nothing--no reply. I am sending to their address BX9 1AS What...
Have had my thyroid out and taking thyroxine 150 / 100 mg alternate days and been on it for approx 5 years. This last week or so have been having the shakes in the morning after taking the medicine....
I suffered a pulmonary embolism in 2013 and lately have been having symptoms like that again and wonder if this is likely. Having phoned the local surgery to run it past them I was told that I had to...
Spent the time since the results mulling this over and wonder if Nicola has cost it out properly. No UK Brain drain Expense of creating the infrastructure. Could go on as she should just get Scotland...
I have a Logitech keyboard and mouse and today when I went in to turn on my computer neither worked. Changed batteries in both and still not working. They are Wi fi and not had any bother before. Only...
Have been having battery problems. A new battery and every morning have the most awful job at starting the car. Have been round to check nothing untoward All switched off and still no joy. There must...
I sent a letter to York about 10 days ago first class and it has not arrived. Is there any way to find out what has happened to it. It was not recorded. Just posted at a local post box and not had...
Whenever I start up and go to google or Yahoo this message comes up with a page of this helper and have to close it down before I can carry on and would like to get rid of it as can be typing out my...