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I have been advised to set up a trust fund fund for my sons and is this a good idea. Have been googling it but am still in the dark
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1A. Are Jews funny? (8). ????L?A? 18A. Fit one of 9. (6). ??R?HY Thanks...
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Sent this to crosswords by error Bought this product and it is impossible to use as the varnish is too thick. Do I return to the store Morrisons or to the manufacturer J M L Thanks for any input...
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I bought this for my granddaughters and it was unable to be used. They tried all the pens but the nail varnish was too thick to even put on their nails prior to design. A JML product and not cheap so...
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1A. Elegiac owl does (9). S???L?I?S Thanks...
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I am thinking of taking out my bath and replacing with a shower and has anyone there done this and is it a good idea. Any information appreciated...
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Have just had a new computer with Windows 10 and should I have Internet explorer downloaded. Should I put this on my computer. Thanks for advice...
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Having just had a new computer Windows 10 and finding my way around it have come across les which are cxf but not letting me open them. Message comes up asking me which app to use but nothing...
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Photos have been added to the iCloud on my iPad and I wish to delete some of them as some are a bit fuzzy and have not been having any success so hope someone there will be able to help. Thank you...
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I have added this to my iPad but I do not know how to work it so is there a site which will give me instructions. Step by step please
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14d. Allurement (8). ?????R?E 25d. Caruncle's soft time(5). ??R?L Many thanks...
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I have an XP computer and connected to wifi using a stick. This worked yesterday and there was a light on the stick. Today switched on the computer and no wifi and no light on the stick plus a message...
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Which whisky is portrayed here as the magnifying glass gives it as THE PE........ Cannot find one beginning with P...
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I am looking for help for a christening gift. A little girl who is 6 and I am stuck on what to buy as any I have bought have been for babies. Thank you...
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I have just changed my broadband and wifi provider and have spaent this am setting up my computer to Wifi but so far am unable to print from it to my wifi printer. Set up my XP computer using an USB...
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Had the grandchildren here for a few days and noticed that they did not have a grasp of the times table. As it is now a few years since I learnt them but it was by rote. Every morning we would sing...
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I have a remote for my Sony TV RM-ED059 but I have no written instructions on the use and have tried using the options but I cannot follow them. I need to see it in print so please help....
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18a. Change suit & hairpiece (6). S?I??? 17d. A hybrid tip is. (6). ???O?S...
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I have wifi upstairs but when I am on FaceTime downstairs the connection comes and goes. I wonder if having a booster for the wifi would help this situation and if I do is it an easy option?
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Having won a £50,voucher to spend at an auction and never having been to one I was wondering and hoping that someone out there can give me a heads up as to how this works....

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