There is a little girl in my son's class who is really fond of him,bless. They are both 7 and she follows him everywhere, which he says drives him mad but I think he secretly likes it! He came home...
1) Which 12 letter word without a 'd' in it includes a 'd' when abbreviated to to a word of six letters ? 2) Which Gilbert and Sullivan opera has the most obvious connection with the formation 2-8-2 ?
What is the minimum length of time you can have on a passport before it expires if you are travelling to the USA. My son is travelling to Florida at the end of October but his passport expires on 1st...
4d greek god of the east wind 5 letters. 15a very thick yellow fog 9 letters. 9d condition of being protected against loss or danger 8 letters. 28a preliminary report of govt proposals 5,5 (something...
Unfortunately my husband started a fire with the paper yesterday before I had a chance to read it, and (more importantly) attempt to do the crossword. Is there any way I can download the general...
Does anyone know where I can buy safety signs to put outside. I need a 'No Diving' sign for a pool and a 'No Glass Beyond This Point' sign for a patio. Thanks.
I don't want to sound like a total dimwit, but i haven't got my boyfriends present yet as i haven't found anything that i think he'll like. What have you all got your blokeys so i can maybe get a bit...
Can anyone suggest a good place to holiday in August for me and my family (2 boys aged 16 and 14 and a girl aged 12). The children like to be doing things constantly (theme parks etc) and would like...
Oh dear I seem to have gone terribly wrong. 43a - I had epistles which is obviously not right. Also can anyone tell me what 39a and 30d are please. Many thanks
Has anyone travelled to Florida recently? I am thinking about taking the family next year but would like to know about any problems with security at the airport. I have heard that it takes a long time...
How do the Spanish pronounce 'Majorca'? In English the 'j' is obviously pronounced as in 'jam' and I've always considered 'Mayorca' to be pure affectation. But I may be wrong. In words like 'Juan' and...
I know it's a bit late but can anyone tell me the name of the one-legged, one-armed dwarf of Zulu mythology who has a boy's body and an old man's face (doesn't have much going for him really!!!). 9...