back to normal now after the holidays ? I must say I am happy to be so. I went to my night class last night and I so enjoyed it even though I have lots of homework to do. xxxxxxxxxx
plans for today ? If you have had snow will you stay in the warm ? I have a day off today and I need to go shopping and tonight I start back at college after about one month off. I fear my brain is...
I imagine bigmamma to be big and she is not, I imagine knobby to be big and cuddley and I dont know. How do you imagine the people on this site ? We can start with all the A's first if you like. Bagsy...
to all you lovely abers who have supported me and made me laugh and taught me so much, through what has been a very difficult year for me. Happy 2009 xxxxxxx
I got back to work today after my leg op, a week gone Wednesday and I cant tell u how great it felt to get back into the real world. Up and onwards !!!!!!!
I could sell my 2 year house in Spain. I know alot of people are in similar positions as myself in fact, all over the world at present. Hope 2009 is a bit better but by all accounts it will be longer...
You are nosey but nice. M took me to the marina, do you know it ? We had something to eat and a couple of drinks. We talked about what a good catch I am, ha ha. Our work that sort of stuff, our...
to xmas this year. I have nothing to do but sit back and enjoy. No shopping cooking or prepping. My friends are doing all the work. Yes I got something right at last. A very Happy Christmas to all my...