can anyone please tell me how to add sounds (whenever you click something) in an html page or a song which will play in the background.please its important. thank you so much in advance
Just give them a voucher? It's an animatronic Alan Sugar head, which comes pre-programmed with twenty set phrases, as well as having "realistic eyes and mouth movement". [IMG]...
Today, I went to Doncaster looking for a Wii Fit, I still haven't been able to find one, but in Woolies they had the advertisements at the entrance, so I was presuming they had them in stock, so I...
i am strongly thinking about getting myself a ps3 with some money that is burning a big hole in pocket.... Though i have heard a rumour that their is a ps4 coming out... What would you do, hang on...
it sounds crazy but you just need to have a look at it to get addicted to playing. You get a bunny and buy armour and weapons for it then you play against your friends rabbits. the more games you win...
I have just got sky broadband, installed the router as advised, installed the Wireless Dongle via USD port as per instructions also. The router is downstairs plugged into BT port, and the computer...
Im looking to buy a new HI FI system and wondering if I should go for one with DAB. Is it a worthy investment? Ive seen some decent Sony ones between ?100-150.
My wife has NEVER touched a computer but now says that she would like to get a laptop.What would you suggest as a good "starter" laptop and more importantly why?? Thanks!!!!
I have just got an ipod touch, I have ripped a dvd through external software (not itunes) and am trying but failing to input it onto my new pod. please help!!
Bought a 360 elite just after christmas, it is not getting used and was only out of the box for 30 minutes when i bought it. With that in mind i am thginking of getting rid of it, it has 4 games that...
well i finnaly got round to trying the multiplayer on GTA IV last night and all was going well until a few of my mates decided we should party up :os basicly there was 4 of us in the party first...
My ten year old has asked me for a thingymajig for her DS Nintendo. She says that it is cheaper than buying games and you can get them at the GAME shop. She says that you can down load games from the...
Hello, I need to change my fuel and payload type on FS2004. It is on KG at this moment in time but I need to to be changed to LB. Does anybody know how to change this?
does anyone remember the formation cheat for cm93/94 i remember there being a cheat but can't remember what it is? i've just started playing this game again any love it to bits. i also remember there...