Does anyone know the song which we hear as soon as the clip starts? Many thanks Cal (it's a top gear clip) e=related&search=
I have been given 2 very large speakers and I want to connect them to my computer, as I currently use a small mini hi-fi with a cord from line out to the mic socket. The new speakers have the black...
It would be a lot better if each time a thread is replied to... it goes to the beginning. I have posted a question, for example, and had only 1 reply. I am sure many people know the answer, but...
I have added a link to a short clip of a nuclear explosion underwater, taken from the 40's. It is set to some dramatic music which sounds as though it is from a film. Does anyone know what the music...
Being able to search a users past posts and their threads. If I type Caladon in the search field then I do get the threads I have posted in, or started, way back to 2004 and beyond, but it is in no...
I have posted a link to a youtube video. Can someone tell me the first 2 pieces of music? The first starts immediately, fades away whilst hamster chats, then comes back at 35 seconds. The second is...
We have bought another horse and it needs a proper name (horses have nicknames and show names). Any ideas? Nothing like "gone in a flash" as race horses have rubbish names like that! lol I suggested...
Does anyone know of any British companies which hire people to work in Dubai? Would like to work there for 6-12 months. I know some companies sent people out, full board, they arrange the visa etc but...
I need to change a .MSWMM (a window movie player file) file to an MP3/AVI or any file that will play on a discplayer. I need to merge 3 tracks onto 1 track to be played at a wedding, yet the only...
I heard that Sir Peter Ustinov, one of my heros, died today, and i am interested who your heros are. I look up to a number of people, but three have had, and continue to have, an impact on my life;...
Mel Gibson - Saint? Sinner? Or money maker? As an atheist I couldn't give two hoots about this film, and doubt I will even go to see it for the story. But why are so many 'believers' appalled by it?
Did anyone see this very gripping and tragic film? I'm a pretty level headed guy and can take pretty much anything that i see, except rape and child abuse, but this program really affected me last...
What is the origin of 'starter for ten'? I first heard Eddie Izzard say it on one of his shows, and heard it again recently, and now seem to hear it all the time.
I am trying to view a specific folder (IE5) in my Temporary Internet Files folder, yet I can see no folders and there should be like 20 of them. I have disabled read only, disabled hidden,...
A friend and I are planning to build our own car based on the Locost Cars, however in the manual some of the featured cars have normal license plates, yet only 1 has a Q reg. What cars need a Q reg?