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Did you see David Hasselhoff in the final Americas got talent, it was on Irish TV tonight,he sang one of the classic ballads This is the Moment, What did you think, by the way he was one of the judges...
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Just read in Todays paper that Terry Wogan is lined up to fill the Richard and Judy slot possiby with a quiz show, another name mentioned was Richard Hammond of Top Gear What do you think of these...
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Do you wear glasses? do you like having to wear glasses or do you wear them as a fashion statement, Do you agree that men find women wearing glasses attractive and alluring!
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When do you get your Marching Orders?
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Just had a conversation with my sisters man friend he is very much into the Paranormal UFO's etc He was relating "Experiences" he has had with unknown entities. I found it all bemusing, I don't...
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Today apart from being St.George's is reputedly Shakespeare's birthday and also the date of his death,Did you enjoy Shakespeare's works I studied Othello and A Winters Tale for O level I didn't think...
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I have a camellia bush in the garden it has green healthy leaves but it has just started to bloom, unfortunately the white flowers are rotting as soon as they appear. I have the bush for quite a...
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I almost had a disaster today when an orange plastic dishwasher freshener which I had hanging inside my dishwasher fell onto the element whilst the dishwasher was on and started to "burn", Luckily I...
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When you were young [or not so young] what did you find more difficult tying your shoelaces or telling the time? recently talked to a teenager who still found the 24hr clock difficult, why don't...
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Deal or no Deal's host Noel Edmonds has had his thumb bandaged for four or five episodes of the show, anyone know what happened to it?
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Do you think it is better to have a wide general knowledge and common sense than be specific on one subject, I understand that people have to study certain topics for their chosen careers etc. A...
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Do you vote for the best person irrespective of class creed or colour this is relevant to politics reality shows etc, what prompted my question was while watching America Idol noticed that the "black"...
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Diid anyone watch this show tonight. what an excuse for entertainment I know it is for charity and all that but same old "celebrities" Wendy Richards and her toy boy etc! Lets have some real Mr and...
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Checked out another "Chatterbank" site as recommended by Legend, One topic section was Bra information, do you think we should add this topic to Answer Bank Share the cup of human kindness
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Who do you like or dislike? I don't think Kirsty Young is suited to presenting Crimewatch, She tries too hard to make her Scottish accent posh, Claire Balding pops up everywhere and Hazel Irvine has...
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Noticed this statement used frequently on Chatterbank with specific ref to Shannon Matthews case. Why do people assume that you are scum or of lesser quality because you live in a Council Estate? I...
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Mohamed Al Fayed is ending his fight to prove Diana and Dodi were murdered. He said "God will get my revenge" Is God going to punish all those people Mohamed held responsible for the deaths I thought...
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For Closer Magazine Coleen Mc Loughlin "dresses up" as Audrey Hepburn! Coleen may be a nice enough girl ordinary {with money} what makes her think she can emulate a screen icon, A lot of "celebrities"...
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When you get "time" to thnk what do you think about? Today was a pleasant day weatherwise etc, I thought about sitting in the garden enjoying nature, and wine and letting lifes worries drift away
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Weakest Link special [Food and Drink] Saturday evening Anne Robinson "invited" Olly Smith [wine expert] to feel her breasts, which he obligingly did, BBC received 16 complaints should they have...

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