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Did anyone watch Headcases tonight Itv thought I'd give it a "whirl" supposed to be as good as Spitting Image. I did'nt think much of it, had to keep guessing who some of the "characters" were turned...
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Are you a snob like Hyacinth Bucket [Bouquet] Do you keep up with the "Jones" Do you know people who do. Do you "hide" from your neighbours or vice versa Hyacinth is the ultimate "snob" with hilarious...
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Rojash I have noticed from previous posts that you seem to be an "expert" ref computers etc, please help, I have an Acer Laptop, vista windows, just recently it has continually went back to "log in"...
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According to T.S. Eliot {From The Wasteland} April is the cruellest month, how true that is today in many places icy winds and snow. The Poets reflected a lot of nature in their works . Whats your...
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I have Vista Windows, my computer has what I can only explain as "locking", When I am on Google etc or other sites, my screen goes blank and returns to "insert Password", when I do this it brings back...
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Do you ever "nosey" at what other people buy? Couldn't help it today, Sainsburys today, a lady in front of me at the checkout had 4 packs Coke large pack of Pot Noodles cakes etc, and there was me...
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Do you think men should dye their hair? I think men look more sophisticated with greying locks!
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Have you had an eventful day special or otherwise? Just seen my granddaughter go off to her first school formal, dressed like a princess, her friends looking equally beautiful. How times have changed...
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Has anyone got one of these Nicer Dicers Seen them in Woolworths, quite expensive, but are they worth it? ?29.99
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Doesn't it make you sick the way Mugabe "swans" around in his designer suits and designer spectacles when his people are starving oppressed etc. He is not the only dictator the world has seen but I...
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Michael Aspel retiring for Antiques Roadshow,Last of the great presenters!!
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Good entertainment, all great singers, performers Only one Nancy guaranteed a place in the final {Graham Norton}
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Have your ever met anyone on holiday that you still keep in touch with. We met two couples on a cruise in 2002 and have been holidaying with them ever since.
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Carla Bruni wife of French President Sarkozy has been more newsworthy than her husband which other wife of prominent leaders do you think had charisma sex appeal etc. I always enjoyed seeing Jackie...
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Where do the odd socks go to? Been doing a mini spring clean on the sock drawer etc and have ended up with quite a few "odd socks" I have held on to them hoping their "partners" will turn up but alas...
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I think everyone should have free eye tests irrespective of status, income etc. Sight is a gift and should be protected, not everyone needs to wear glasses etc so why should the shortsighted be...
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Ever felt hungry but don't know what you'd like to satisfy your appetite!! Felt like this today, even though I was well stocked up, just been to M/S I have just had a cinnamon and raisin bagel filled...
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Noticed Chatterbank has been taken over by stories of footballers sport personalities etc. Who needs TV Dramas when theres Chatterbank! Full of sleaze, corruption allegations! Don't need to watch...
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Could have posted this in "sport" but the old boy network may have closed in! Didn't see as much reaction to this story compared with Ashley Cole{one law for footballers one for managers} Jewell is a...
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Catching up with American Idol {which I enjoy} Contestants singing Beatles songs! Beatles were a one off and their songs difficult for other people to sing, who do you think does a good version of a...

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