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Ed...I reckon he'll be the first off strictly tonight, whaddyareckon?
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The Chase today new format celebrating one thousandth show all chasers taking part do you think this would be better for future shows more variety. All Chasers looked smart in style contestants had...
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Wow. Thought they'd gone quiet lately. Six children to consider. Shame?
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I've just seen the front cover of a TV magazine ,giving away an upcoming storyline and I'm very cross with the character!Grrrrr(and yes I know it's not real lol)
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Craig not short of accommodation in The Street now Tyrone has offered to put him up would you accommodate anyone who brings along a rat!
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Anybody else fed up with pictures news etc of Mary Berry Paul Hollywood Claire Balding Naydia Hussein every day we read about them even in crisis times they appear newspapers television etc. Feel free...
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Poor old Anton paired with Lesley Joseph knew it would happen!
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For those who like the programme, don't forget it starts tonight, or at least it's the intro show and we'll find out who gets to dance with who.
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Phelan and Sally discussing council business at home and the pub, surely all this has to go before the Planning Committee!
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D-Tel headline today "Flawed Victoria fizzes with enough energy to dethrone po-faced Poldark." Discuss...... One brilliant comment in the article, "I've never cared for Poldark - always thought it...
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We just don't see enough of her, do we? What exactly did she do to merit all this exposure?
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after only 40 minutes we have had two, Oh Gawd, how many more to go?
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Why would Izzy wear a Tshirt with SICK across the front. I cannot understand why anyone would wear such an item of clothing.
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Why so many empty seats at all the events why don't they sell tickets cheap to encourage people in,dressage today had so many empty seats and it was lovely to watch so many events poorly attended!
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Who's doing all the babysitting in Corrie now that Emily is in Peru? Maria, Fiz Tyrone Gary Izzy all out wining and dining!
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The freestyle dressage was just finishing when I got home from work. With all the myriad of channels which one is going to show it? i'm enduring badminton at the moment, only shows about 2 minutes on...
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Where on Earth do they find them. Losing contestants for Countdown that is? 108 - 16 was a joke, don't they have any sort of audition just to see if they can actually walk and talk at the same time?...
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This is possibly the hardest thing we have ever had to type. We happened to be together this afternoon, when calls came from Mrs Overall's family letting both of us know that she sadly passed away a...
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All together now..... And the wheels of the bikes go round & round, round & round, round & round. Why dont they just have a mile sprint, and be done with it, its so boring!!!!...

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