im getting some ghds for xmas and i wondered is you needed some hot oil thing (soz i dont no its name) to go with it? And will ghds make my hair become greasier?
The bloke I fancy NEVER sits next to me. If we are in a pub or just having a meeting, he will always sit opposite. Sometimes I am embarassed how obvious it is. Do you think this is because 1) He does...
well i was told you can wax ALL area's baisically even around nipples well i was just checking there was no risk of causing problem's e.g helping cancer or skin ok with...
I have bought the following for my fella for xmas; Sony PS2 Slimline (including 5 ps2 games) Spiderman 2 dvd DVD tower (holds up to 50) projection alarm clock But I feel as though I have...
I am due to finish my packet of pills today before starting another tomorrow. I've just looked at the packet+i've got two pills left instead of one!! I know i def took saturdays but i cant remember if...
I am confused and don't know what to do. I have been with my boyfriend for over 2 years, at first he was so shy, quiet and sweet and we never argued. Now when we argue he shouts and swears at me,...
A question for the ladies, I've watched Sex and the City, read a copy of Glamour from time to time, and I know what it says in print, but is it actually real? "What?" I hear you ask. Why,...
i was just wondering if anyone has lashed out at their boss at work? I work in a small office and he is like a school teacher and keeps putting me down which is really getting to me. Yesterday...
ok so as alot of you know im a 14 year old girl, ok so my problem is that i think im werid. i used to rub myself but i didnt get anytihng out of it no matter how long i did it for. so i just left it,...
Please can anyone tell me what the risks are of buying a PS2 off ebay? If the person has excellent feedback etc and the item states it is 'brand new' is there still any chance of it being a dodgy...
Is there no chance of getting hold of a new PS2 before xmas? If there is a chance please can someone point me in the right direction (not ebay) thanks x