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Are you all alone right now ? just sort of staring into space ? day dreaming ? thinking ? seems as though a million things are going through your mind, is your mind another word for your brain ? we'...
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I am not attracted to black women. At all. I can objectively see that some are attractive, but I am not attracted.   Somebody in the office suggested this was racism: I disagree.   I've...
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can anyone tell me who is out from the x factor as i watched the first part but missed the second one thank u
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I went out with someone before for 3 and a half years and thought i loved him but now looking back i know i didn't. I have recently met a guy and we are together and have been for the last 2 weeks. I...
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It has dawned on me that when I put on eye makeup,  I always have my mouth open.  I can't put it on unless I do.   Am I just weird? (no rude comments please!!!)
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I would appreciate any advice on this question. Me and this Girl have known eachother quite a while now and there has always been some kind of attraction between us. She has recently split up with her...
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I am so good looking. How can i stop girls from harrasing me.
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Most people I have spoken to said they thought it was rubbish and didn't make sense. I thought it did and it made me really sad, what did everyone else think?
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Who sang Rescue Me?
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Are there any songs which bring a tear to your eye. I think Sarah McLachlan's Angel is pretty haunting.
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I was wondering what features are more or less vital for females to find a male attractive. from a rating of 1 - 10 , how important would these features be ? Of course it is overall symmetry , but In...
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say you had hair all over your body (i dont!) but i want to know how you can get rid of hair in many ways as poss even breast and belly hair
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Dave Bradley
I have a slight webbing between my toes on my left foot, is this normal?
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Im between the 15-20 age category and have hair on my belly and brests how can i get rid of it safely???? with out cousing complications...p.s this sight is so good it restores your confidence
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I'll start off by saying, that my worst fear ever is drowning...i just think it would be horrible, and im also afraid of spiders! I guess i just want to know what other pple are afriad of.
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Further to the question further down on peoples favourite answerbankers, i was wondering what the age range is on this sight? Who is the oldest answerbanker, who is the youngest, do older people give...
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A few of my female friends 'play' when the visit the sunbeds. They say its the heat etc makes then horny. is this a common thing or and i just a freak for not playing at the sunbeds??
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How do you approach and start a conversation with a girl you happen to like the look of. Its just that i get a little shy and find it hard to approach good looking girls.
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My breast are always sore and swollen before my period, but is it possible i am over-thinking pregnancy signs and think I have them and feel sick for worrying? And is it possible from worrying and...
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can I please have your verdicts on these boots: m=3938152148&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT I really want them but my bf dislikes them so much he has...

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