Hi everyone, I need some help to get me started this week! firstly on the win without finishing puzzle. 2D Visibly 10 letters. 17D move petulantly 7 letters ?L?U???. 15A unfamiliar,alien quality 11...
Hi, Any help please! on the Win without Finishing puzzle. 5D Narrow point of land extending into the sea 4 letters, 10D Claim Discovered Territory 5-3-4 Letters, 13D Broken Down 10 Letters. Thank you....
Hi, can anyone help with these two please on the WIN puzzle? 4D Military Leader 5-2-5 letters and 18A Docklands...., London Transport System 5-7 letters. Thank you...
Hi, anyone out there with the now how on Ebay selling. I sent a payment request to my buyer for several items,she then said one them she no longer needed, which was fine, and could I send her another...
Hi, here we go again. I have only just looked and what are these please?just to start me off! 9D Billy Idol hit ( 5-7 ) 18A Blood sausage ( 5-7 ) Thanks.
Hi, I am still on it!! this is the last ones for this puzzle! any help please! 3D Spread through (7) 14D Maximum allocation (4-5)First word is Full. 22A State of being wearisome 24A Exclamation of...
Hi, Anyone with answers please to 1D put into columns on a spreadsheet (9 ) 2D marine tornado (10) 4D tide that flows over another(12) and 18A that can be handed over (12) Thank you
Hi, anyone done this magazine yet? I could do with some help! These to start with Page 44 Killer Soduku, Page 65 Bare Bones and Page 12 Tricky text. Any help please.