Can someone please explain the following 36ac What makes rice riper, necessarily? (8) I have PERFORCE 47dn Fatal plaza Democrat was shot in _ Lee finally escaped (6) I have DEADLY
36a ; In European city station half of a centurion's men (5 letters) B ? S ? L Plase indicate the logic of your answer - I can make cases for BASIL, BASEL - but not completely convinced by either!
5d Bread for bait thrown across river (5) L*C*E Surely it must be LUCRE with bait = LURE ... But how does C square up with "river"? Reading the answer as LUCE around R ... Then LUCE is a fish (pike)...
having had a tremendous start I have come to a grinding halt and have been stuck for about an hour. can anyone help to get me going? 10 a ?a?n????? Mum at home stops people being big supporters 24d...
Am stuck on last two: 5 down: -e-e-a--(8), Scholar carries jug holding waste matter. 19 across: --i- (4), Lamb served by a high priest for starters. Can anyone help?