Welcome to the fourth and final week of links set by me, King Krophta the Quizzical, otherwise known as crofter. I should be back from Tenerife by now, but in a state of absolutely exhaustion having...
Welcome to the third week of links set by me, King Krophta the Quizzical, otherwise known as crofter. At this very moment I am in Tenerife enjoying the sun ~ it’s in the 70’s! I told you...
Good morning everyone - having heard the reports of half the UK being under water I wonder just how many of us there will be on deck today. Crofter had his timing right, ticking off to Tennerife...
Welcome to the second week of links set by me, King Krophta the Quizzical, otherwise known as crofter. I hope that the healthy harvest of points last week was to everybody’s liking and now I...
Good morning from a very hot down-under - we've had a week of over 35d each day and tomorrow predicts 40d just for a change !! Pity I can't parcel it up and send it over to the UK and perhaps get some...
Does Does anyone know where i can get to see tonights David Hayes fight on my computer for free please?. I have not got sky etc. Thank you in advance
Welcome to the first week of pitting your wits against “King Krophta the Quizzical” (aka crofter). Whilst previous setters have revealed part of their private lives, I have been hiding...
Good morning everyone from a very sunny little spot that will, I'm told, be totally over the top, heat wise, next week !!! Predicting a week of 37d temperature - does anyone want to swap countries ???...
The final round in the reign of Lady Jill (aka tearinghair) went as smoothly as all previous weeks ~ completely without mishap. I now have pleasure in announcing her chosen links under the clever...
Good morning and welcome for the last time to my reign as Lady Jill. I was sorry to see that there were fewer entries than usual last week, and hope it was because of the good weather and other...
Good morning everyone - this will be a bit on the short side as I'm running close to post time. This weekend sees the end of the contest for ths month and as quite often happens, anything can and...
Good morning and Welcome to the third week of my reign as Lady Jill. As the weeks go by, I become less and less like my nom de plume of tearinghair and more serene as a Lady ought to be! I note that...
Good morning everyone - already into the third week of September, this month's flying by, too !!! As usual, the aim of the contest is to match correctly the link words from this morning's crossword...
Good morning and Welcome to the second week of my stint as Lady Jill. Let’s see if you can repeat last week’s “Pointsfest”. As further background, I’ve lived in Warwick...
Good Morning all - ready for another bout of mental hijinks trying to match wits with Kate's selection from this morning's crossword ?? As usual, it's a mix of possibles and impossibles - just to keep...
Here are this morning's shaded questions - 29a Sign of peace in Christian and Jewish religions [4] 2d Playing card with a black trefoil [4] 5d Canadian scientist who co-discovered insulin with Banting...
Good Morning everyone, and Welcome to the first week of my reign in which I attempt to bamboozle you all! To begin the process, I have clearly bamboozled Crofter in finding me a suitable royal title....
Good morning everyone - what a surprise I got earlier today, finding the new look AB, but so far, so good, I haven't managed to lose anything yet !! Today sees the start of a new contest, while...
Good morning all and welcome to my fifth and final week as Pope Adrian the Copious. "Deo Gratias" and "Hooray", I hear you say. Now that most of you have been penitent enough to have scored points, it...
Good morning all - here we are at the end of the month and as I have actually managed to survive the storms of last weekend [ as usual, it turned out to be somewhat of a fizzer for us, but NOT I hate...