The cockchaffers have stopped knocking on the window, Ricky Lee Jones (tonights music), has stopped playing so its goodnight all.............even the spellers!! xx
My 3 year old peach tree has peach leaf curl, I have removed as many leaves as I can. Is there anything else I can do as its too late to spray with Bordoux Mix? It has about 6 peaches on this year...
Not a question but.......................
I heard two Cockoo's today whilst walking in the woods near home, not heard them round hear before, so perhaps things are looking up for these birds....
It was so hot, and I was a bit knackered from yesterdays gardening, that I spent a good part of the day sitting in the shade at the bottom of the garden. this is what I spotted Chaffinch Male and...
Had the biggest cock phesant in with the chickens today, not in the least bit scared of me pottering in the garden.
Do you get phesants in your garden?...
My first ever sighting of a Honey Buzzard this morning, whist driving along the A272 towards Petersfield (downs on either side), if your in the area he/she's still around. Whoop, Whoop, drove up and...
I've booked myself onto a beekeeping course for next weekend, as I'd love to keep a hive.
Does anyone keep bees, and can you tell me what to expect.
Does anyone fancy swaping some seeds? I never use up a full packet, and also often get mixed packets that I only use some varieties of. If your the sam how about a swap? I also have some acchoca seeds...
Got me thinking about male/femail job titles For example a Sister female, Charge Nurse male (sister) I now work in the Marine industry and a Captain is now called the Master so would a female be the...
Just seen on South Today and also Inside Out, that rickets is making a come back, and is preverlant here in the South of England (where we get the most sun light). The Dr's and experts are saying it...
This strange big yellow ball has been in the sky for about 3 hours now, and the sky's quite blue. Its been so long since I've seen this phenonmenon, it was quite a shock to the system!! Whats it like...
Well its nearly new year! If you have a veg patch what are you going to grow this year, and what are you giving a miss? I'm going to grow more peppers, and winter squash, less Kale and green beans (I...