Is it illegal to display L plates on the motorway even if the driver is qualified? For example, How does a driving instructor take his learner car onto the motorway to do Pass Plus lessons if the car...
I want to donate some furniture to a local sheme, but I can't recall the charities name, How can I go about searching for it..Can some give me a few ideas of how to begin..
I have started the new year with the intention of changing my somewhat poor lifestyle for the better. I have heard that food can stay in your intestines for months and I figured this cannot be good...
i would like to get a memory card for my nikon coolpix 3100 camera, but dont know much about them! What should i go for and how many photos will each take?
I should really be posting this question in the How it doesn't work section. For the past 3 days, I have had an annoying cold, runny nose crossed between blocked nose, sore throat and headache. I have...
what exactly is peppermint tea? is it tea leaves with peppermint oil or just dried peppermint leaves? im sure i can taste tea in there.. and also does anyone know any good uses for used peppermint tea...
Hello All I have just moved into a studio flat and whilst it is apparent that we will deal with the electricity bills (there is no gas), we have been given conflicting info about council tax and TV...
My boyfriend and i are planning on going to New York and Boston on holiday in September (from Newcastle). any advice on how to get the cheapest deals? we dont want to leave it too late, incase we dont...
hi, has anybody any ideas of any types of jobs where i could easily get school holidays off? i am looking to apply for an admin job in a school as that would be term time only. however, if i don't get...
I'm almost always having trouble signing in at the Answer Bank, which is so frustrating...! I don't have the internet at home, so I usually go to some internetcaf?. Of course, many operations are...
Hi, I would like an eyelash perm - but only on one eye as I have one wonky set of lashes (!) is it possible to get one done and save the other half of the solution until it needs doing again - or do...
"Am I the only one who thinks...???!!!! What do other people think of people who use this phrase when asking a question they are clearly outraged by? Also, "does nobody else think...??!!!" and "is...
My daughter had a friend dye her hair light brown and put blonde streaks in it, the blonde turned out orange in some spots, she wants to go back to blonde. It's been 2 days. Is it safe to color it...