25a. Early mediaeval predominantly Irish alphabet consisting of strokes above, below and through a horizontal line O ? H ? A Also I have Mashed Potato for 29 down & Greed for 41 across but they don't...
Mythical dwarf who possessed a magical ring that was stolen by Loki said to have been the source of inspiration for The Lord of the Rings. A ? D ? A ? I Help with this last clue would be much...
Can anyone put me out of my misery re the above. I can make numerous words from the selection of letters but cannot find a place to put them. Thanks in anticipation.
We obviously have different ideas about the meaning of the word "abandoned". To my mind it is to leave, especially unattended, to give up on, or to withdraw support. The boat would...
Help with last few please as I am wasting too much time 3d. Woman's fur cape T ? ? ? E ? 9a. Abandoned C ? ? ? ? ? F something OFF? 10d. Outdo ? ? E ? A ? S Saw something earlier about MEAGRE but I...
Last 2 thank goodness, Have found this one quite hard. I'm having trouble with 48 down which I thought was OVERT & 59 across which I thought was PROFESSOR. Sadly the 2 don't fit together
44a. A gap in proceedings. ? I ? T ? ? 45d. rapidly flashing light ? ? R ? ? ? 34 across beginning with n. Is it notorious? According to the definitions I have found it doesn't necessarily mean...
10d Having the colour of gold A ? ? ? ?? E 11d. Soldiers steel helmet (O?) ? ? - ? ? ? 13d. Showing great care & perseverance 9 letters, the first one possibly an A from OMEGA? 71d. Coin of specified...
Please will someone straighten me out on these two. I put GNAWS for 77 across but cannot think of anything other than GOSSIP for 67 down and the two don't go together. Get these sorted & I am...
42a The current Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice of the UK ? T ? A ? Thought it was Charles Falconer but obviously not. Expect I am behind the times.
15a. Electrical barb- firing weapon T ? S ? R 35d. Without fixed limits 4 & 5 OPEN L ? D ? D (L is from (Mary) SHELLY?) I thought OPEN ENDED but it can't be if SHELLY is right? Is there an expression...