What is the exact reason for trains blasting their horns when they pass through a station? Who are they alerting? hopefully, given the frequency they are not alerting other trains!?
One of my daughters' saw the statue of Boudicca today on a trip to London and she's just asked me the name of the blades projecting from the wheels of her chariot. Does anyone know if they do have a...
Am i the only the one who thought lotr was crap? All they seem to do is walk around with a ring for 4 hours. I keep falling asleep when i watch it because it is...
Apart from friendsreunited, does anyone have any websites they could reccommend for my gramps to use to try to get in touch with some of his old buddies from the Navy? Thanks in advance
I got this from a letter in todays 'Mail', and I'm afraid that I agree with it in its entirety. 'A fascist concept, which doesn't allow any deviation from a prescribed set of doctrines, laid down, by...
What does everybody think about the new proposed powers to allow Council Officials to view inside our homes, and to pay extra council tax for houses with panoramic views, patios, counservatories or...
....is in the news again. Do you think it will make things worse or better? I mean is it a shove in the direction of continental attitudes to drinking or is it just adding fuel to British...
I had to attend a funeral on Monday and ever since I have felt really uplifted.Sounds strange I know.. but the deceased had wished for a humanist ceremony with a woodland burial. His wife told me that...
I want to go out for a meal with friends on Saturday for my birthday. The deciding factor of where we go is what dessert is on offer! Does anyone know where we can get good, homely apple crumble (or...
where can i lookfor Robyn Asleson Passion for performance sarah siddons and portraitists i have been trying for days and can,tfind much about her im very disapointed please can you help me ;