A fleeting visit this morning. Hope you are enjoying the festivities and are looking forward to the forthcoming event. A good day whatever you have planned. toodles.
Wild n'windy out, so inside is the place for me, in front of a roaring fire until things settle. Got some shopping on its way, hopefully! hope alls well with you. Take care folks
Cripes! Feeling a bit peckish last night, I found a long forgotten packet of microwave pop corn in the back of the kitchen cupboard last night, popped it in the micro for 3 of your earth minutes,... ...
That awful new word emerging to describe the period 25th December to 1st January (mostly occurring in Spam) :- T W I X M A S Not in my lexicography, thank you. ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹... ...
Back to work today but it is worth it after yesterday and delivering the beautiful but somewhat bossy Bella a Doberman pup to a breed specific rescue. so leftovers to bubble and squeak with bacon... ...
I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday. any plans for today other than leftovers? we are doing an animal rescue run later but other than that no plans. have a lovely day toodles.
A quick peep in to wish you all a very happy Christmas ... have a lovely day whether it be loud and busy or quiet and reflective... May your lives ahead be filled with joy ...and peace xx
My online grocery order has been cancelled, even though I was told "its on its way" several times. They really put the boot in when they told me. "my order had been cancelled", after 2 days of... ...
I'M SO EXCITED... my boyfriend wanted to give me a special Christmas present. So with 1 dart and a world map he said to throw it and where it lands we will go there after the Christmas... ...
4 more sleeps till Christmas! nipped out to get coal and logs etc yesterday and everything was mad! Final shop being done on saturday morning at 6am - then I will not go near a shop till January... ...
Well it's Monday again!! I have my 3rd stinking cold in 3 months! I don't know if it's because I'm run down or himself who works in an office keep bringing them home!! on the plus side 27 years ago... ...
This may seem odd but mine was making 'stained glass windows' at junior school with coloured tissue paper and the school Christmas party jelly and blancmange. Simple pleasures