Stuck on a few today .... 3d porridge thrown at a mole (7) ???m?a? 4d information, what Seoul put out to state (3,5,5) ??? s?u?h ?a?e? 8a had the neve to join wicked adventurer (9) ?????e??? 10a...
stuck on a few today .... 1a say what you will, the orator isn't paid if he does (5,6) speak ?????y 5d high ground obtains early advantage in battle (8) ??g?h?l? 16d a cut limits inadequate grant (9)...
Does anyone know where this place is? "the largest settlement of an autonomous European region, this city boasts numerous ancient ruins, the result of its strategic position close to mountain...
Made considerable progress with this now, but just a few left .... 10a the German players moulded, in a way (3,4) d?? ?a?? 19a cause current stoppage without union, in fact (5) ??t?m 6d e.g. bloody...
Is it me, or is this morning's Sun Tel Cryptic a real hard nut to crack? Am sitting here just looking at it, with only one correct answer and a few others just pencilled in ..... would appreciate a...
Last two ....
3d a very angry upset worker in firm(7) a?a?t?t (may have a letter wrong)
9d end argument for as opposed to against (4,10) ?o?l ?i?f?r?n?e
Many thanks, Chox....
Just a few I'm stuck on .... 12a commodity used by farmers (11) a?r?p?o???t 17a applying seal to a document (8) a?p?s?n? 19a qualified consent or agreement (3,3) ?e? b?t 7d give something for someone...
Morning folks, does anyone know which page (and in which supplement) the Observer Viewfinder competition can be found this morning? Have been through the paper twice, but still can't spot it. Would...
stuck on last two ....
37a a type of trap and enclosure for fish, made from wooden stakes set in a stream (4) ?e?r
41d fabric used for bedding (7) p?r?a?e
Many thanks, Chox....
Last 3 ... could someone help, please ... 15a play at getting in bed (7) ?t?a??? 22a less restrained film director (6) w?l??? 14d chuck beyond bend of golf course (9) ??n???r? Many thanks, Chox...
Last few - phew! 23a a gang running to desert (7) ??????n 26a what's said to get attention about a volume that's serious (5) ????? 19d firm including a worker in commercial transaction, initially (7)...
12a alternative spelling for a medium used in oil painting (6) ?a???p 7d genus of beaked whales (7) z?p???s (is it "zipides"?) 30a village in Bedfordshire, south of Shefford (6,3) a?s?e? end...
Is this one harder than usual today? Or is it my imagination? Am stuck on quite a few this morning ... 9a resist, be unwilling (9) ????c?a?e 21a feeling of vexation or animosity (5) p???e) 31a of a...
Am stuck on a couple, help would be appreciated, please. Thanks. 1d perfect lake to take part in a race around (8) c?m???t? 20a recluse to fix it close to table (9) ??c?o?i?e Many thanks, Chox....
Morning everyone ..... bit of a miserable one out there, at least it is where I am .... anyway, back to puzzles. Re the above puzzler - "This city is gearin up to host what is arguably the...