I can usually finish this one, but still stuck on a few clues, would appreciate some help, please. 12a blossom (3) b?? 21a identify clearly (7) s?e???? 45a discriminating (9) ??l???i?? 61a sincere (7)...
I don't usually get stuck with this one, but would appreciate some help with a few, please. Thanks in advance. 9a be including race, I concluded, in the country (6) ???n?? 11a skimp acting part to...
Hi folks, bit of a silly question really, but I'm not very good at fixing things ... even so simple. While I was typing the text of an e.mail earlier, I clicked something on the keyboard...
Last one ....
18a those people run, sets off spooky old series (3,8)
?h? m?n?t?r?
or have I got letter/s wrong? All the down related clues seem to be right.
Many thanks, Chox....
Morning early b's, stuck on a couple of these this morning ... 8a elephant man fond of Chianti(8) ?a?n???l 12a centralised form of qualifications (11) ??d?n?i?l? 13d emotionally helping girl onto...
still not doing very well with this one today, getting a bit fed up with it. Any help would be appreciated ... 1d arrogant youth - a monarch perhaps, lacking maturity (4) ?u?? 10a set down in isolated...
Finding this one a bit tricky today ... would appreciate a bit of help, please ... 8d football team with time almost up, getting free (7) m???m?t 20a preserving chemical found in China clay, in short...
Am stuck on a few today .... brain's a bit addled this morning ... god of love after a ballot (6) a?o?l? 20a both row rowboar unsuitably loaded (5,1,3,2,3) ?o?t? a ?o? ?? ??? 26d here's the spinner -...
Just a few more then I'm finished this one.... 21a shore marker tails off internally (9) ?o?s?l?n? 22a energy unit of noisy sparkler (5) ?o??? 13d does lover cook fish? (5,4) ?o?e? s??? Many thanks,...
Finding this really difficult today ... would appreciate a bit of help, please ... 12d excellent criticism, mostly about one motivated by profit (12) c ?????l????? 23a studying students as part of...
Does anyone know where this is today? Can't work it out at all ... "This city sits between mountains and desert, and is a strange mix of influences. Its most famous restaurant has Greek heritage,...
Just two left this morning .... 12a study of life under germ-free conditoins (12) ?n?t?n?o?o? (is it something "biology"?) 8d abnormally rapid respiration (10) t?c?y?n?e? ("tachy"...
Stuck on 2 this morning ....
48a evoke, extract (6) u?i???
39d news of Italian returning before bell sounds (7) ?i???g? (is it "wirings"?)
Many thanks, Chox....
last 2 on this one ....
4d kitty provides diversion with diamonds (4) ?u?d
7d dean needs tips about northern TV actor (6,6) m?r?i? c?u?e?
Many thanks, Chox....