Cannot get this one, this week, for the life of me ... "German conquistadors set out from this city in search of El Dorado. A refreshing breeze - the city'a name comes from the indigenous name...
Am stuck on the last few this morning .... 5a Pollster in Missouri State (4) m?r? 16a dog moves awkwardly where there's new pelican crossing (7,7) ?l?m?e? spaniel 21a large hospital at end of that...
Just the last few to finish .... braindead now after that long drive .... 10a dog that hunts pests including large snake (7) r?t???? 7d daughter married - wasn't in a hurry (7) d???i?d 8d playing in...
Fell asleep in the car on way back from Essex this afternoon, so couldn't finish the last two clues - and still stuck. ... 17a Diplomatic measure or initiative (8) d?m?r??e 18d hollowed moulding used...
I think there's something wrong with my brain this morning ... can't get these last few ... 23a obsolete word for the reed bunting (5) ????o 28a aromatic plant used in perfumery & Folk medicine...
Need a bit of a push in the right direction, can anyone oblige, please? 9d process in which evel is aggravated as a result of its own consequences (7,6) ???i??? ??r??e 21d impromptu opinions of...
oops, thought I'd finished it, but not so ....
6d fathom deep, when sounding (3) s??
(Is it "sub"?)
10a where we live, a phrase added for emphasis (2,5) o? ??r?h
Cheers, Chox....
completely stuck on the last few .... 10a where we live, a phrase added for emphasis (2,5) o? ??r?? 23a fool that represents American party (3) a?? 26a attachment to building, one put in by wine...
Have managed to do quite a bit of this, but stuck on the last few .... 9a complain about bar (4) ??i? 23a but rogue has regular impulse (4) ?r?e 5d bear up? (4,5) ???a ?i?o? 20d swap jazz note (5)...
Thought I had finished this one, but have one more clue to do, because there are some change of letters. 20a To compete athletically, throw one's weight around (3,3,4) I thought it was "run the...
Just a couple to go on this one .... 23a as inimitable as the House of Commons (8) p?a?l?s? and is 18d "enweave", it's the only word that I can think of: 7letters e?w???e Many thanks, Chox....
Am stuck on the last two, please can you help?
50a Disregarded (10) ?a?r?o?k?d
42a cease to be consumed by gold for so long (5) ?d?e?
Many thanks,
I am completely stuck on a few last clues .... 7a companion runs off with evil person(5) ???nd 22a phrase for coarse grass(5) ?o?c? (is it "couch"?) 1d nobody to peep below seed (9)...
I wonder if could just ask about two clues in this one, please: 12a court action that is faulted by judge if too long, say (7) s?r?i?e is it "surmise"? 20d a huge number go surfing - but not...
Hi folks, I thought I had finished this one, but it seems not .... 26a secure service for North America, say (8) ????m?s? 25a gift in container carried back by kings (5) k?a?k (or am I barking up the...
Can someone help with a few clues, please: 4a local manager making change in a club going wrong (8) ?u?????n 24a impressive contract secured by the Irish last year (5,4) ????? ?l?m (is it something...
I don't normally have too much trouble with this one, but am completely stuck this morning .... 18a someone who can be seduced or deceived without difficulty (4,4) ??s? m??t 20a one who insists on...
Managed to sort out the crossword in seemingly double-quick time this week, but completely stuck on the Wordfinder. Can someone help, please. The letters I've got are: I I M N G N S O H T R Many...
I could do with a bit of a push in the right direction with this last one, please .. my mind has gone blank ... 23d sounds depressed? from what we hear it could be area (5). I've got s?g?s (or am I...