Have even got the wordsearcher this week, but stuck on two last clues:
14d the same unrelated transfer (9) ?n?l?e???
24a short boy carrying European cap (5) ?e???
Many thanks, C....
Stuck on a few on this one .... 8a finally respect monarch less, such as Victoria (8) ?????n?s 11a what differentiates man and many people in general (4) ???? 20a Henry James for example, getting...
Just two more to finish: 2d one using unleavened bread in the Eucharist (7) a?y?i?e 24a conference in 664AD that resolved differences between Celtic & Roman forms of worship(5,2,6) Synod of ???t?y...
I usually don't have much trouble sorting out the answer to these, but am stuck with today's. "This town changed hands between two colonial powers at least 9 times before independence. Visitors...
Absolutely stuck on the last few, can someone help, please ... 21a slight change in RAF, not including first of flights (7) ???r?t 26a swaggered along with supporting members (8) ????a?ed 8d people...
Had a bit of trouble with my password/user name last weekend, but back on track now. And unusually having difficulty with this x-word today, so hope someone can help! ... 5a river vessel, and duck, on...
Managed the grid Ok t his morning, but stuck like anything on Wordfinder ... can anyone help, please? Have got W N T I S N H G E
Thanks in advance, C....
Hi folks, does anyone out there know when is the best time to start planting tomato plants and bean seeds (runner or french). Not now obviously, but want to be sure of the right time of year to start...
I'm stuck on the last few of this one, hope someone can help, please 16d with respect to changes, known to select few(3,6) t?? ???r?t 17d organisation briefly judges philosopher(8) ?????t?s 20a...
Having a devil of a time this morning .... can't get 20a most impervious to light(8) ??a?u??t 12d in alternating generations, a plant of the sexual generation (11) g?m????f?t? 21a informal expression...
Why don't I get e.mail notification of answers received any more. It all seemed to stop when the new site went "live". I have checked on my profile, but can't see anywhere to add this to my...
Hi, I'm stuck on the last two, top left-hand corner, can someone come to my rescue, please: 7a Diamond cross to add (5) ???e? 1d Pledged to be around the twist (5,4) ???e? o?t? 15a non believer was...
am still stuck on last two ....
15a it indicates something is somewhat empty threat(4) ?h??
16d insisted on c hanging order(8) ??d?c?s?
Hope someone can put me out of my misery ....
two long car journeys from the midlands to the south-east have addled my brain, so I'm stuck on the last 3 of this one today .... 9a was devoted to a party on the far left(6) a?e?e? 15a it indicates...
Absolutely stuck on two ....
14a TV presenter hoarding flour in transit (6,9) ???r?? ???n???r?
3d Give up new Ruhr donation - why? 5,4,4,2) ???o? y??? ??n? ??
Many thanks,...
Does anyone know where this excellent series was filmed. A lot of it seemed to be in Derbyshire, judging by the scenery and stone, but we suspect it was filmed in many different locations, including...
OH and I have been following Wallander almost obsessively. We got to episode 10 (Castle Ruins) and can't seem to find it on the Beeb listings any more (it's the Swedish original version, not K....
Oh boy, what an afternoon, this site and the last few clues are driving me nuts today ... hope someone can help, please: 12a leaves on male fruit trees (7) m?n?o?s 21a gets in touch and feels pain...
Whatever is going on with this site today, it just won't let me ask any questions. By reading other peeps' comments, they are having just as much trouble as I am. Have tried to ask questions twice in...
Last two, hope someone can help, please.
10a old welsh six stringer instrument (5) C???H
13a boggy place that quivers underfoot (4) ?u?g
Many thanks, C....