Am stuck on the last few of these, hope someone can help, please: 10a hear welshman has shrub (4) ?h?n 24a wilder dancer when followed by Holmes (4,5) ???e ?e?l? 17d container claimed by workers at...
Just have the last two, hope you can help, please: 12a It could be okey after last of sweet (7,4) d?s?e?t ?i?e (is it "dessert time"? 16d a term of latin that follows some examples (2,6) ?t ?e?e?a (is...
Oooh, really stuck on the last few today .... 13d one monitoring conversations to obtain information (10) ?i?e?a???r 24a sharp pointed tip on a stem (7) ????k?e 25a flood from sudden rain or melting...
Absolutely stuck on the last 2 clues, can someone help, please? 24a set official reprimand (3,3) s?? ??f 13d detective appearing periodically (7,3) p?i?a?e ?a? Many thanks, C
I normally don't have much trouble with this one, but stuck on a few of 'em this week: 12a King has same trouble with green poet (4,9) John ?a?e?i?l? 20a Bond character at station (10) ?a???n???n (can...
Just the last few: 1a confused supporter of monarchy, we hear(6) ????w? 8a great warrior's prominence shown in top honours(8) ?????l?s 1d: after 3, I become uncommunicative(8) ??????r? 2d wet fish at...
Stuck on the last few, hope someone can help, please. 21a minor saint associated with Christmas (2,8) st ?i???l?? 14d device connected by cable to CPU of computer (10) ?e?i???r?l 19d protein that...
I am rarely stuck for an answer on this one, but today's an exception! Am stuck on 28a two poles with agreement to contradict (6) n?y?a? And is 13a "tin hat"? I can't see why, would appreciate an...
As usual, finished the x-word, but completely stuck on the wordfinder. Can someone help, please. I've got the letters: N W G I E T T S W E H Thanks so much,
Absolutely stuck on the last few. 13a film actor penniless at first (5) l??? 15a queen receiving warning ahead of time, in short (9) m?m?n?a?? 17a they help their favourites in top sets, wrongly (9)...
fell off to sleep last night trying to work this one out. The letters are: O I O R S D K B E I can't get past something "book". I hope someone can help, please. Many thanks,
Just two more left today ... 1d Worsted floor covering with heavy uncut pile on linen backing ( 8,6). I presume it's something "carpet", I've got b?u?s?l? carpet. 20d 1859 Italian battle (7) m?g?n?a...
Just two more left today ... 1d Worsted floor covering with heavy uncut pile on linen backing ( 8,6). I presume it's something "carpet", I've got b?u?s?l? carpet. 20d 1859 Italian battle (7) m?g?n?a...
Really really stuck on this one this morning .... 13d damaged rumen,tried to get cow screened(10) e???n???d? 16a cake dishes(7) ?r???e? 19d be important foreign noble(5) ???n? Many thanks, C.
HI folks, I never see anyone asking about this one ... has anyone got any ideas about this week's Viewfinder picture. One of the clues is that an abstract artist has an exhibition in a former tobacco...
This is a shocker today .... 16d five to nine example?right (9) ?t?a???? (I've got "straight", is that correct?) 13a state carriage(8) ?i?t???? 17d secure what w orker needs to make pub furniture ?a?...