This is beginning to defeat me as well .... a top courier lost somewhere in the Antilles (6,4) ??e?t? ??c? 8d make call to your lady, answering initially with expression of disgust and roar (5,5,)...
This is really bugging me today .... 1a greek doctor's African native cases (11) ??????????? 11a suspect noticing nothing in disguise (9) ????????? 12a writing material getting no spill, record...
So if 9d is "tail", what's 15a (country entirely surrounded by another) (7)? And then what should become of "apocalypse", please. Looks like they have completely messed up. Completely messed up like...
I've come to a grinding halt with this one today, would appreciate a bit of help, please ... 16d awkwardly struggle with fish (8) ?l?????? 17d take case from Edam before getting crackers and cheese...
Hi techie ABers out there ... all of a sudden (it might have been since a Yahoo update!), everytime I tap the "quotation marks" key I get an "@" instead of the quotation marks - and vice versa -...
Come to a grinding halt this morning ... 4a auntie with tiny antiquated computer (3,5) ??? m???? 10d dry tone affected by rogue comic character (6,7) ????e? ??o?t?r 5d victorian figure, stimilating a...
Finding this a bit of a stinker today ... any help would be gratefully received ... 1a Tom's family are revolting? Yes (6-2) t????? ?? 9d betrayed anxiety seeing step taken by unionists with part of...
I have just read an article on the Mail on Line (and also on Yahoo News) (dated 28.10.19) that Apple have warned that older Iphones and certain other devices of theirs will be cut off from the...
Just two left... 1d. Join in the mean event before over, all ending (5). ?n?e? 22d. Fine light touch heavy weight being lifted (3,3) Before closing, still peeved that the telegraph haven't fixed that...
Hi Green fingered ABers out there .... all my rose (standards) have finished blooming and I was wondering what work I should be doing on them now. Is it too early to cut them back drastically? Or...
Struggling with this one today .... 4a as to this charge: are you sure? (2,4,2) ?S ???? ?? 10A unconventional bunch of cheques for the auditor (9) ??h?????? 12a invested in "about a boy" (4) ???d 27a...
13 & 17 across: enjoy an innings of torment after being dismissed very quickly (4,1,3,3,2,4) ?i?? ? ??? ?u? o? ???? 20a looks to the future with pacy attack (4-8) ?a?t ???????? 31a craftier character...
Really struggling with this one today. Have only got 4 clues filled in, just can't get anything? Any help would be gratefully received. Many thanks everyone, cheers, Chox.
Hi techie Abers out there. Two questions about configuring stuff to mini ipads. 1. Can you configure a regular (wireless) printer to a mini ipad. I have tried to do this, but it doesn't seem to work....
stuck on a few this morning ... 3d tipsy - oldies almost sozzled (5) o???d 10a tip describes good philosopher (5) h?g?? 5d month on topless resort somewhere in the Med (5) m???a 11a pastry: victual...
Just one left this morning ....
5d Green Party at first is to include what's essential to teaching (9)
Can only see "pistachio", but don't get it at all. Cheers in advance, Chox....