Stuck on quite a few this morning .... 13a tense after biting the French pastry ( 7) ??r?l?? 5d tendency Germany has to introduce disagreement (50 d?i?? 16a perhaps a ... a tasarina's missing daughter...
Just 3 left this morning ... 5a grow thinner when knocked back, eating nothing (6) s?r?o?t 21d crush spirit - it's over (6) ?e???e 26a painting of reversible sheet (5) ??l?o Many thanks, Chox....
Hi Gastronaut ABers out there, I've just found a wonderful recipe for chocolate covered pecan toffee, which I would really like to make in the not too distant future. I don't have a problem with any...
Stuck on a few this morning ... 4a catching chum? Bait is unnecessary (1,3,4) a ??? ???h 6d art event that Serena wasn't in time for? 3,5,2,5) ??e ???t? o? ??n?s 22a opposite number in disguise, seen...
Does anyone what region the uk is in re DVDS, please? I am thinking of purchasing a dvd which is for region 2. Will it be compatible with my DVD player which I bought in the UK?...
Been on this one (and another!) all day, simply stuck! 11a hints end in sight amid unions' disruption (9) i???e???s 13a year on island, topless resort (5) y???a 7d every so often, third yawl finds a...
This is the other one I'm stuck on ... 6d red alert activated about posh chap messing around (9) ??l?e?e? 24a bit rough originally within party (8) ?r?c?i?n 8a tongue: deer has one (5) ?i??? Many...
We're going to book a holiday to Morocco (the 4 main cities) for next November. Does anyone know, please, if we will need to get any vaccinations done before we go? We've been before a few years ago...
just a few left this morning ....
7d auntie and doctor not half wrong - child's right!(9) e?u?a?i?n
17a first stage involves a racket (7) l?a?i?g
Many thanks, Cheers, Chox....
I've just bought a lovely blue lace cap hydrangea intended for our back garden. Will it be okay to plant it in a north-facing position, please? It's a large plant so would hate to plant it somewhere...
Stuck on a few of these this morning now .... 19d he led resurgent Africa (at least at first)? (7) ??n???a 23a twist its limb to subdue rook (5) w???? 14d to get across good line is hard ("hasta la...
stuck on a few this morning .... 7a old relic is around fragments (8) ?i???a?? 3d bit of a looker, flower girl? (4) ???? 2d doctor was lifted down (6) ???o?e 11a plant fake diamond, possibly? (8)...
Having trouble with this one today ... 1d good behaviour in Christmas period ended abruptly - nothing unusual (7) ?e?i??? 3d beat poetry, unfinished - and half of that is filling (6) ?h?i?? 12a he...
just 3 left this morning, still completely stumped ... 20a according to Welsh woman, jazz fan is hairy best (7,3) ?e?s??? cat 24a term of endearment that sounds the same as "dear" when uttered (5)...
Just a few left - absolutely stumped this morning .... 10d fruit ending in tin, on average around about fifty (5,6) ?a?e? orange 21d cash in, some counterfeit (6) ???i?s 7d curious pleasure trip on...