Good Morning, Princess Di greeting you all for the penultimate time this month. November is fast disappearing and soon Christmas will be beckoning. I have managed to get birthday/Christmas lists from...
Well I'm putting this here optimistically, I still don't have the link words, but ever hopeful that one of our players will come along soon and post them for us....
Various senses of Deja vu about this puzzle as both the theme and the distortion have appeared earlier this year (in an EV and the Listener Series respectively) . Lots of thematic stuff packed into...
Hello all Linkers. Prince John and I have of late been giving the garden a good tidy up ready for Winter. We haven’t got a huge plot but suffice to say, we could if we wanted, easily build a...
Good morning everyone - warm and sunny here today so early start for the links and then me off out into the garden ... no excuses for sitting inside, the racing carnival is over !! Four to keep us...
Is there anyone else out there? Have I missed the usual thread? I have a complete grid, though not entirely happy about 8d, as I can't get the connection with 'snitch on'. I've also met the group's...
Hello to everyone wherever you are. Prince John and I returned to this sceptred isle after a 2 week break in Spain a few weeks ago. For once we actually had very decent weather, only one day when it...
Good morning everyone - just realised I've doubled up on the headings, the first should have read 'fao the km players' hope I've not spread chaos and confusion amongst the ranks ..... blame the...
Good morning everyone - we have a glorious sunny day again here, but no prizes for guessing where I am .... The Melbourne Cup will be run Tuesday and at this stage I've no idea what I'm going to back...
Hello, Princess Di here to challenge you for the next 5 weekends – trust me to cop a 5 week-ender!! This week we have had Hallowe’en and next week Guy Fawkes with which to contend. I’m afraid...
I rather muddled through this one often getting the answer before figuring out why. Not my favourite theme (to say the least) but thanks to Google not hard to research. Perhaps the extra hour in bed...
Good morning everyone - early start again today, lovely sunny day outside, I might see some of it if I can pry myself away from the neddies !! Four to get us thinking this morning, hoping for a great...
Good morning, Psybbo here with my final challenge this month. Thanks again to Gen2 and all the participants. October has flown by and we have an extra hour to enjoy this weekend so make the most of...
Have had one left for ages, and have an answer of sorts, but need explanation or correction of it, if it's wrong. 20d If cab's this, constable gets busy (6) ?t?l?n I can only see 'stolen' as the...
Good morning, Psybbo here with your third challenge this month. What a week we’ve had, two days of lovely warm sunshine, two of torrential rain. Snow or frost next? Now the dark evenings are upon...
Good morning everyone - nice bright early start today, just in case I get all wrapped up watching the horses and forget to post .....and we can't have that !! Four links to provoke us today - NECK...
Good morning, Psybbo here with your second challenge this month. Last week scoring was a bit low so I hope more will be on my wavelength this weekend. I expect Pixie373 to do quite well! Again my...